Average Overall Score Given: 6.66667 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0

Once you get into the game your not quite sure at first, but find that the game grows on you after a while. Until you hit the levels that are a little monontonous. (Boring and unimaginative) Overall, it gets better then worse then better then.....
Gameplay: The gameplay is quite good after you have learned all of the moves and know what Spidey is cappable of. The difficulty settings can be a little misleading as there seems to be a bit of a jump from "easy" to "medium" a situation of too easy to too hard. Once you know the controls the game is a ok.
Camera angles can be annoying as to the odd level that seems more like work than fun.
Graphics: Graphics are quite good, sure it's a port and they could have done better with the Xbox capabilities, but they are still very well done.
Audio: The music can get a little irritating after a while, however the voices and sound effects add something to the game.
Suggestions: Fix the camera angles, put in a few more "run of the mill" fights. As in not just Bosses and their henchmen. Maybe a level or two of "Spiddie on Patrol" just capturing bad guys and doing the odd rescue would have added another element to the game and improved the superhero feel.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Good game overall, but your frustration Levels will reach new heights.
Gameplay: All the elements are there, Excellent graphics, good sound, range of cars and tracks. However, on the "Normal" playing level the game can be VERY frustrating. Make sure there is a padded area where you can throw the contoller at the appropriate time. The phisics model probably needs tweaking as another reviwer said, it can be like driving a piece of paper.
Graphics: Graphics are Excellent, however the car models could have done with a little more work. Other than that very good.
Audio: Good overall, you may want to replace the music tracks with something more to your liking.Could have done with a few more racey type tunes.
Suggestions: Revamp the physics model or tone down the difficulty level. Some track times that the computer players do are questionable.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game consists of Kat eithier walking around an island doing the standard hack and slash to monsters, following the path to the treasure chests, then getting the map to the next island. Then there is the sea battles that while can be interesting,once you have worked them out can be easy.(although two or three ships at once in the early stages can be challenging)
While traveling the seas and the islands, there are some extra trinkets along the way to collect. You can roam a bit, but in most cases it's the same gameplay. The difference being each island has a bit of a different setting.
There are other things to do such as buying equipment, upgrading your ship,finding quests or smugglers to trade with (but these activities are fairly basic)
In other words if you are looking for any depth to this game you may be disappointed.
Graphics: The graphics are above average to fair in most instances with the water being quite well done. The attractive factor can change depending on the camera angle and zoom level. While not everyone will love them, overall they are fairly appealing, certainly not at Halo standard but not bad eithier.
Audio: The sound is adequate. The sounds of the sea or a pirate shanty in the right place is a nice touch, however again probably not the best sound or music. It could be a personal thing but the voice of Black Kat does not quite fit.
Suggestions: A bit more depth would not have gone astray. A bit more strategy and possibly the ability to utilise your crewman more. ie. help out in some battles.
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10