Average Overall Score Given: 5.80000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 60
Serious Sam 2

better yet wait for the xb version of painkiller
Gameplay: move-kill-grab weapon-kill-open door-kill-get key-kill-find item-kill-repeat-kill boss-repeat
very good if not hindered by framerate
Graphics: bland textures...doesnt feel move or look like it uses any new methods like bumb or normal maping..and the framerate is as bothersome as the enemies...i guess it could be the lack of ram or is it? dont know i hope they stick around and do something for the 360 i hope this looks as bad as that unreal 2 game i warned all about
Audio: nothing bad to report here
just uptempo music for big fights and quips from sam are pretty funny..and some of the stuff mean netrisa are kind bleh but in all its ok more jokes the better
Suggestions: give us a 360 version please
redemption is possible
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

Gameplay: well this plays pretty much like any fps on the xbox but when you get your have a pretty good high jump and a glide fall that you can cancel on the spot for any platforming you may encounter..the framerate is smooyh so nothing is hindered...the aiming is good since area specific damage is posiible...the real problem is you fight the same enemies in the same areas and with the same objectives...kill the monsters in the area...tree pops of that makes monsters...destroy tree move on repeat...its like this alot there are some horse levels i think two and a cool vehicle level but its short and a waste of such a cool would kick the warthogs but
Graphics: this game looks good on the xbox and loads fast but, could look alot better, better textures and possibly some bump normal mapping would be nice...the enemies look good but need more detail....mostly its the texture detial that hurts it most ...bland blurry death...i hope they make a 360 version...there is alot of great design here it just needs better textures
Audio: good sound...weapons sound good and the music is ok...voicing is pretty good...there is no problem here really with the sound
Suggestions: better detial...twice the variety of enemies, more variety of places and things to do more open ended with areas.i look forward to hign noon studios next project..good ideas and design and control..just too repeditive and not good enough visually also i didnt try the multiplayer its pretty good i have to try it i guess
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

Gameplay: it plays very well. very tight and responsive which is one reason why the series holds on...good good
unlike the third one on the xb, this one has infinite kinda kills the challenge but the point is to make it through without dying once...ala contra! but this is contra on speed
Graphics: well this is where things wither some...i have no problem with the 5th one but the 4th is just a remix almost like metal slug x was you can now see the cannibalism going on bosses made out of parts of other bosses and just the same stuff again and again...mind you its well animated and i love the detail but its been it three games since...five has more improvements and more new untis and weapons and the bosses are better in five than in four...this is a testament of courage of those who keep this what at least twelve year old hardware puting out spite munching madness i still respect..but its time to use a new board sammys new board they use on guilty gear would be ideal hint hint
Audio: good sound i suppose all the mayhem going on the screams the bombs and
explosion..i think they even added voices in the music on the 5th one nice...
Suggestions: new graphics board...update but do not repeat do not go 3d or i wont care any more...just dont cannibalize of your sprites and call it a new
just keep going just get with sammy and get them to show you the guilty gear game...imagine metal slug with guilty gear graphics!! awesome im in line already
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

Gameplay: the framerate cripples what little gameplay this game has...if you want more intense gameplay; write a letter to "cliffy b" and his unreal buddies to not insult us comsumers with this garbage...that would be time well spent
Graphics: remember in indiana jones, when the opened the ark, and that one guy's face melted off and then exploded? well imagine that when you see this game for the first time, the graphics were soo bad..ok the framerate is really bad..ive notice on most unreal powered games on the xb, it means great geometry with all the pipes and beams and crap and crap almost n64 quality textures and a framerate that that dips below 20fps i suppose to match the number of copies sold of this abomination. The textures are bland blury, blocky and sometimes not lined up right and just agravating to look at, imagine the worst looking dreamcast game and that would kick this thing's butt. the weapons all look lame and show what most lame weapons shoot..notice also when you are in complete darkness and shoot any weapon, it does not light the room any, not the walls, not the gun, not the floor...they forgot to add lighting into this cadaver as impresive monsters just all generic unreal s
Audio: i dont remember any sound its not important at this point wouldnt you agree? if i ranted this much about this game wouldnt you not be concerned either?
Suggestions: try making something that doesnt make the systems capabilities seem almost two generations behind? dont sell this game to us, you insult me and others who have delt with this game...ive had leg cramps that were more fun than this game...if your technology is soo bloody good, why doesnt this game kick ass?
all i can say is NO
Overall Score: 3.0 / 10

Gameplay: the gameplay is good, like mentioned before, you can map any weapon to any of the four directions of the d pad for quick switch to dispatch a particular obstacle er enemy...there is a auto aim helper here and it helps in the precision department but its not necessary..the framerate does not hinder this any..though that flashlight is awfully powerful
Graphics: this game is one peice of evidence that we could wait another year before the next gen..but that would be well thats another story..if you want a good idea of how it is you must see the hell levels; wonderful and with heat distortion and shadows and lava and bodies on the walls in evil ways..truly intense..yeah, the resolution is down a bit and the detail is down too..but it looks good..i personally ad it the list of games that look better than the bloated great halo 2, this was done with more care in my opinion..the lighting is very well done, and mimics the pc very well if not perfectly er it gets the job done..there is some physics in the game but unlike hl2 or painkiller they just dont do improvement here could help some.. though, im some cases the physics are on too much ive hit a hell knight with a rocket and it flew 50ft like a lego man shot by a bb gun..and some enemies and people kinda move even when dead...strange but an entertaining glitch...over all awesome!
Audio: sound...hmm well i dont have a stereo any more (hey heres a tip dont pawn stuff for money for gf)that would have improved the experience two fold..but from the tv bellows and echos and growls filled the room nonetheless..impressive sound and ambience...the voice work was as weak as halo 2's ending; WEAK
still it got the job done
Suggestions: well add the just released expansion and maybe some more levels in hell, they were awesome!! keep up the good work guys and gals!! just a little better ending not not a moocher
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10