Average Overall Score Given: 6.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 19

Gameplay: Slow, sluggish and boring. There is no feel of speed in this game whatsoever. The dunks don't look like they improved and when you run into someone, you just stop dead. The picking off of passes looked nice.
Graphics: Great graphics. Nothing wrong in that department. However, what the hell is up with those stupid multicolor replays??? I didn't like that at all. But that can be turned off thank god.
Audio: Its really hard to rate sound but I feel it was good for the game. The announcers sounded good and the crowd was right on as well. Good work there.
Suggestions: Sega, go rent a copy of EA's NBA Live 2003. Thats what a basketball game should look and play like.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: Not fun. There is no bobbing, no weaving, blocking is near non-existent. All you do is smash the buttons and hope your opponent goes down three times before you do.
Graphics: The game is definitely not hard on the eyes. The graphics are super. The knockout replays are nice and the details on the fighters are well done.
Audio: Nothing to write home to Mom about but nothing to discredit either. EA usually has good sound in their games. The voice acting was well done.
Suggestions: Hey EA Sports, do you remember Knockout Kings 2000 for Playstation? That with the 2002 graphics would have made a great game.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: At first I didn't like using both analog sticks for strafing because I felt you didn't really need it. Boy was I wrong. That second analog saved my !&%$@#* on more than one occasion. The game is basically a button masher. I am a little worried for my right trigger but I am giving it a nice rest now until I get home. Each weapon has its plus and its nice to see you can find higher caliber versions of that weapon. Some would say the gameplay is redundant but that all depends on what time of gamer you are.
Graphics: Sweet! Crisp! Flows very well. The bloodstains are awesome. Even when you zoom in the graphics look even better. Its nice that you actually get to see them switch weapons other than hitting a button and they magically appear in their hands.
Audio: The sound is good. The voice acting is good as well. I wish there was a better soundtrack. Seems the music only really comes on when you are surrounded by a mass of monsters. Can't add your own soundtrack.
Suggestions: More characters, weapons, monsters, would be cool. It would have also been nice to make objects blocking your view of the character transparent so you could see what the hell is going on for that brief moment.
A wider variety of Edge abilities would have been cool too. Perhaps allowing you to pick and choose upon level gain.
It also would have been nice to be able to carry over a character with all his experience for Nightmare mode.
These are all minor though. I definitely recommend buying this game game if your into arcade action games.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10