Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 1
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Additionally, the game is buggy. Buggy is much different than glitchy. There are multiple bugs in the game that will COMPLETELY screw your game over. I HIGHLY recomend you read a bug/glitch faq list from Gamefaqs or some other website. You may get a slight spoiler, but you won't have to restart your game like I had to.
Gameplay: Gameplay is like any 3rd person RPG. The controlls are simple and easy to pick up right away. Leveling up is fun, espically when your picking up new feats or force powers.
Combat is fun and varied...For a while anyways. The ability to use stimulants, shields grenades, blasters, swords, lightsabers, and who knows what else keeps it intresting for a while.
Graphics: Graphics in this game are gorgeous. You really need a HDTV to appreciate the beuatiy the game has. Camera angles can get pretty poor here and there, but generally stick where they should.
Audio: Sounds are very well done. All the voice acting is top-notch, and sound effects are superb. I wasn't really impressed with the music. It was decent, but for the most part it never really commanded attention or helped the theme.
Still, it supports dolby digital 5.1 surround sound, so pick up a system (yea, if it was that easy!) and really enjoy a jedi vs dark jedi spectacle.
Suggestions: This game needed more variable battles, and would really have been helped by making it a MMRPG. Also, the items were not customizable. Being able to drop in pre-set items into a weapon for some effect that EVERYONE would want, not just some people, is considered upgradable, not customizable.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: Well, this depends on what you are looking for. If you are looking for a uber-realistc Mech sim; then this is for you. ITs so realistic, that under two differend scenarios (which happen repeatedly for the first couple days) your file is DELETED and you must start over. This dosent matter later in the game, as you have plents of credits and skill to handle anything. I find this refreshing, games too me are to easy now adays, and im having a hell of a time beating the first (i think there are more) campaign on EASY.
If, however, you are looking for a mech fragem, like MechAssault (a game i also own and love) then go with that. It may not be realistic, but it is configured for XBL...
The choice is up to you, but for any hardcore mechfans like me; get both, or Steel Battalion if you have to choose between the two.
Graphics: The graphics are okay... Not the best on the Xbox, but they are near photo-realistic if this was occuring. The screen is a bit grainy and blury; im not sure if that is due to design or lack of effort. The VTS look no where near as finnished as possible... StarSiege and the Mechassault games. Not the best, but they will do. Perhaps the XBL sequal will boast better ones (yes Capcom is making a sequal for XBL)
Audio: There are enough sounds in this game to do.......something (insert some appropriate metaphor here). It sounds like your really piloting the thing. Im assuming it supports 5.1 Surround Sound, but my system is curently down so i cant confirm that. (my suspicion is based on the fact the Dolby logo is briefly displayed at the beggining of bootup.)
Some may complain about the music, but in my oppinion, the music (even though its Japanese) kicks major @$$. (except for some of the Jukebox music...some of it is just plain wierd.) But the cutscene offer killer music.
Suggestions: I dont really have any...Improved graphics would be nice in the sequel (Dont back out of it capcom!), and if possible redo some of the joint kinda just meshes together... Other than that job well done. Im extremely pleased that i got this woderful game.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Best - Gameplay - Ever!
The guns are superbly balanced, and only able to carry 2 around really makes you think about the situations you'll need them in. A shotgun and pistol is great....Untill you have 50+enimies in your face, your there's an elite half a click away in your face.
Graphics: Best - Graphics - For - A - FPS
The graphics are stunning, esp. with an HDTV. The detail on the aliens, marines, vehicles, levels, etc. is amazing. You wont know what i mean till u sit down w/ it in front of a 53" HDTV
Audio: Great sound. Superb music. Must i continue? Halo features award winning music, and takes full advantage of 5.1 surround sound. For the first time on a console, you can hear your enemies general location as they try to sneak up on you. Too bad their walking on all that gravel....for them anyways... :)
Suggestions: MAKE HALO 2! already are...hmmm...Make Halo 2 Even better than Halo ;)
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10