Average Overall Score Given: 7.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 46
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2

Gameplay: This is the games major drawback, unlike tony hawk where the controls become second nature, in this you'll contantly be fighting with the controls and it becomes quite frustrating. They really need to be more responsive and accurate. The skids are limited and sliding around corners at fast pace is just impossible. Another gripe is that the tricks are unrealistic, can you pull a backflip from a standstill in real life? I don't think so.
This game has mannny bugs, the collision detect is flawed severely. when the bikers fall off they're bikes they look like !&%$@#* ragdolls.
Graphics: Since this is a port the graphics are expected to bit a little average, but I was actually quite impressed with them. The grass looks amazing, its actually individual blades, textures are awesomely detailed & the levels are absolutely massive with no slowdown (from the levels i've played)!!! I thought the lighting let the graphics down since its so basic. The characters look real enough, except their facial expressions are a bit weird.
Overall they get the job done.
Audio: The sound is very limited, when you fall off your bike the groans heard sound like they're out of a 70's porno. but since its a bike game, limited sounds are to be expected...
The music is the only thing that saves the game, lots of good stuff on there. gets you in the mood for busting tricks.
Suggestions: Just refine the gameplay till it's actually fun to play not frustrating. Add some !&%$@#* lighting which the xbox is so good at doing.
Make the objectives more fun, knocking over ladders? whats the point of that, honestly?
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10