Average Overall Score Given: 9.50000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 2
NFL Fever 2003

Gameplay: I think the game was quite good i couldn't find any major flaws other than after the end of a play you had to watch a guy just move arond for a few seconds before you could et back to the play calling
Graphics: WOWEE...what a good looking game everything looks godd even the stadiums look real they went above and beyond. Im front New England and was shocked when i saw that they even included Foxboro stadium. Good job you guys
Audio: not bad the only problems i have is that the announcers were horrible and there wasn't much variety in hte music( in fact i don't think there was any music at all)
Suggestions: change the announcers, let us listen to our own music when we play and keep up the good work
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Great game, it is really addictive, with lots of secrets and unlockable items such as bikes and clothing, you will be plaing for hours
Graphics: The graphic were great all of the levels are pretty deatiled the characters faces lookj like their real-life counterparts, and the bikes and clothes look good
Audio: To me sound doesn't matter much because of the ability to play my own music by the sound affetcs are good and the ingame music (if you choose to listen to it) is great with everyone from Ozzy Osbourne to Sublime the sounds are really great
Suggestions: make tricks easier, make the levels bigger and make more secret characters
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10