Average Overall Score Given: 9.50000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Xbox 360 Video Game System

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game play is endless, spending time building up all your skills is fun cause you just kill gangstas, and who doesn't loving pwnin' up the whitebread gangsta? I know I sure do! It doesn't stop there, soon as you complete the game you can regenerate the gangs at any point or any time! WAIT! It doesn't stop there, with a free DLC you get "the keys to the city" a DLC which gives you a menu allowing you to spawn anything in the game at any time, give your self any skills at any level, and basically times the fun by four.
Graphics: The graphics are superb! There isn't much I can say about it, because it is a 360 game and all 360 games are pretty beautiful. It offers great explosions, great physics engine, probably one of the best, it's so perfect that you can land onto someone and it will absorb some of the damage from your fall (if you fall more then like 30 feet, since you can jump like 15 feet on level one) and it will probably, no, no it WILL kill them. Don't forget kicking cars, explosions which will cause more explosions and will send bodys and objects flying. It's practically the greatest GTA-esc game ever made. Well it probably is the greatest, GTA started it all, and this really pays GTA some nice homage.
Audio: The sound is perfect! Even if you have a older TV, it still sounds great. You can hear everything from the hundreds of cars driving to the individual foot step of the civilians on the street.
Suggestions: I do have a few things, I would really like to see even more DLC, you can never have enough DLC, also I really would like the ability's to go past 4 stars ability's, the bar goes to five but you don't get stronger. Could use that, even if you get so strong your a god, well then so what? It's more fun! Of course with the Keys to the City DLC you can sort of do that. Keep on keepin' on.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10