Average Overall Score Given: 9.80000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 35
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas

and terriest are blowing op buildings and killing people. They send you in to stop them.
Gameplay: What I loved about Vegas was the cover system. Sorry Gears Of War I likes this one better. And the squad control was the best I have ever used.
The fire fight are intense.
Graphics: Well it's using the Unreal Engine so of course it's going to look awsome. Have you ever wanted to shoot a slot machine well go ahead shoot it, maybe even throw a frag and blow a group of them up.
Audio: Lets see bullets flying, explosions, slot machines making nosies. And the soundtrack is good. Ya i think it sounds good.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: It is very fun to sneak around grabbing baddies and interogating them then you have the choice if you want to kill them or just knock them out.
Graphics: The character model is done very well and the world looks even better.
Audio: Nothing special
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The fighting sytem was weird at first but I quickly got use to it.
Graphics: It won't win any awards for character models but the enviroments are amazing
Audio: You know your Star Wars music well its in here
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The cover system was pretty good but I was expecting more. It is fun to use your chainsaw during close quarters.
Graphics: GOW looks awsome, the enviroments are dark.The baddies look good and scary. I was always on my toes when they got close.
Audio: This game wouldn't be anywhere with out it's sound track
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The fighting for the most part is smooth. Except when you are fighting big groups.
Graphics: There are better games out there graphic wise but Oblivion holds it's own
Audio: The music fits the game perfectly like when you get in a battle it speeds up.Or when your walking through the woods it's a nice tune
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10