Average Overall Score Given: 9.30000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 2058
Gun Metal

Gameplay: The gameplay in Gun Metal is through a 3rd person perspective. You are a giant 40 foot mech called the "Havoc" and you can transform into a jet with the press of the Y button. You can switch weapons pressing A or using the d-pad. The gameplay is pretty fast paced. You gotta move as fast as you can to save you allies, who get fragged really easily. Some of the missions get really hard later on in the game. But overall, its all good.
Graphics: Graphics are all that you ask for. You wanna run over some trees, fine. You wanna blow up the tree with some torpedoes, fine. You wanna frag your allies, go ahead. You can run over animals, blood shows even though the ESRB said that there was none. The game uses good work of the Xbox harddrive cause when you destroy lets say a building and you revisit the exact same place in a mission later on, itll show that the building has been fragged.
Audio: Big Explosions.... BONG! You can hear the guns shooting the missles launching, the rockets flying, and hear the Plasma fly and crash right on to your allies. AND IT SUPPORTS CUSTOM SOUNDTRACK!!!
Suggestions: Add some multiplayer. some co-op play maybe? Add some twists to the gameplay cause we have all been there and done that.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is awesome. it is frentic and works well on cooperative play- gauntlet style, and it works well if you are on solo. you run around grab shotguns, chainsaws, machine guns, anything that can frag some zombies! however, boss battles do get a little boring if you run out of shotgun or machine gun rounds. then you'll have to use your "infinite ammo gun".
Graphics: graphic-wise, in the beginning cinematic, its not as good as a Halo or DOA3. The good thing about the graphics is that there is absolutly no slowdown at all. no matter if you and your friends are fraggin 200 zombies all at once, there is no slowdown at all.
Audio: music is pretty good. it plays when you are in a boss battle or when you are swarmed by a whole bunch of zombies. its heavy metal(?) alternative rock or something like that. the music that plays is appropraite on how the game plays and that;s all i have to say about it.
Suggestions: Well spent 70,000 hours into making this game. its great! don't make it soooo hard in the later parts of the game on co-op play.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: well, there is the Kudos system, which are really points for driving well. slide and do not hit the wall. you get kudos for those and getting air. the game does get kinda hard when you play in-depth. the "very hard" setting is actually very hard and the AI cheats and the Tracks are all about twists and turning.
Graphics: KUDOS to the grafix. haha! no really, the grafix are really awesome. i really can't compare with other racing games because the last on that I played was NFS : high stakes.
Audio: custom soundtracks add all you need to it. I think that techno goes well with this game, so all you have to do is burn a CD with all your favorite tracks and copy it to ur harddrive.
Suggestions: make a PGR2!!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is pretty good at first. you skate around, do grind and air combos, but it can get a little repetitive and looking for the tagging markers can get really boring. but there is always a multiplayer. it is also like super smash brothers, where the secret characters have same stats.
Graphics: This game is visually stunning. the cel-shading is well used and the water in the game still looks real. i think that it runs at 60 FPS and i don't think that it goes down often.
Audio: well.... okay. that music gets pretty annoying and they only give you 30 tracks. if you play this game a lot, you know what I am saying. i am not even sure on how you would categorize the music.
Suggestions: let players quit their game to go into the multiplayer on the menu screen. also let them choose their own soundtracks to play.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Hard-ass game. u gotta get used to the controls and the enemies are just really hard to beat. some of the bosses are really hard also. i don't think i got too far, becasue my friend was much farther ahead of me when he transfered his game via mem. card.
Graphics: the environments are awesome in the game. in fact, I played the PS2 version of the game and u can tell that the xbox version is superior. however PS2 has onimusha 2 and we dont. I hope we get it soon.
Audio: umm not much here. infact i really didn;t pay too much attention to this part... i just well nevermind.. ill just give it a good rating.
Suggestions: lighten up people! god is this game hard!!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Just as I had said, I am not experienced at FPS and the dual analog movements took me about 1.5 hours to learn. Level 5 on Heroic was pretty hard for my first stab but it was co-op. we had gotten all of the wrong weapons ,which by the way are very nice. the vehicles are burdensome to handle though.
Graphics: Never have I seen detail like in this FPS. I walk in snow and footprints appear!! oh my!! then, I walk away for about 20 miuntes to clear the area and what?? oh wow!! the footprints are still there!
Audio: The music is great. is where you can get the theme that plays in the beginning. tho the bad thing is that you cannot use a ripped soundtrack for this.
Suggestions: Make sure that Halo 2's grafix are just as good. make sure that the story, music, weapons, vehicles are just as good too. maybe even better. More weapons would be nice, along with the vehicles.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Awesome. The last fighting game that I ever bought for myself and for a system was Dragon Ball Z: Final Bout for PSx. I know that is sad. There are a whole crap load of moves for each person and that means more for me to find out. Also, I like to see a game finally with characters that really have a fighting style like She Quan (Snake fist in chinese) and Tai Chi etc..
also, smashing people on the environment and throwing them down cliffs are nice too.
Graphics: Hey, the girls really look nice, but really I play for the fighting. no playing there. the anti-aliased graphics and pixel shaders for the clothing are just awesome. The environments were watched closely by the developers and the detail to the characters is just amazing. If you take a minute or so if you have time, look around the entire game and notice even the smallest detail.
Audio: The Japanese when the characters start to fight surprised me when I first played this game but overall the soud is pretty good. customised soundtracks would be nice but they do not let u do that.
Suggestions: Please, when they do include the add-on disk, I hope that they will let me use soundtracks in the game. kicking someone's butt while listening to some Techno or Trance is awesome. I have tried that with my computer and super nintendo enulation. fighting others over the internet would be nice. Making the story make sense and having more unlockables would also be really nice.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10