Average Overall Score Given: 7.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 11
Project Gotham Racing
Gameplay: Bad, i hated this game. I love racing but im sry the overal gameplay stunk. Driving around not being able to hit anything on skids. I continually beat the oppenent but i didnt get enough skill points. Even a little plastic will mess u up.
Graphics: Great graphics blew the GT seris away. Crashes in multiplayer where pretty realstic. I really like the lisence plate though.
Audio: Realstic Sound, the sound track is good and playing ac/dc in a porsche is sweet. Cars sound pretty good and i wish there where horns though
Suggestions: Everything good just fix the gameplay the game gets boring in an hour.
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10
Gameplay: Great game. Attacking does not get boring but, fun many plot twists keep you wanting to play on. It is sweet to finally be the bad guy.
Graphics: Graphics would be great for a ps2. So i guess these graphics arent that bad there's some nice cut scenes. But where the game loses its appeal is when you look at the back grounds. Very bland don't look realstic like in a game such as halo.
Audio: Good, at the last 2 chapters the conversations get a little to faint to hear, and i muts go past half volume. Music is good but i just listen 2 music while i played so what ever. Sound is good found perfect kain.
Suggestions: Piss on ps2 Make this seris X-box exclusive
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10
Gameplay: Wow!!!!!! From the first reviews i thought that this game would be disapointing. Now, while the graphics may be crude the gameplay is a excellent component of this game. Completly user freindly my freind who cant even play halo got this. I found even after I beat a lvl i could go back and play again. This game is just plain fun!
Graphics: These graphics are just sluggish compared to say halo or wreckless. While the characters in the cinematics are well done the backgrounds seem to boxy. These graphics are better than obi-wan with not as many errors.
Audio: The ancient chinese/buddist music brings a good environment to the game. Good charcter voice overs, good weapon clashing. ONly thing that kept this game from a 5 was the anoying foot steps down stairs. On the kazikstan border rly gets anoying
Suggestions: Multiplayer/ Fix these anoying bugs/ Maybe add a custom soundtrack option
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10