Average Overall Score Given: 8.75000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 1

Gameplay: Gameplay was great, generally I am not the biggest fan of third person shooters, but this was an exception (next to the GTA series). It had some great elements like being able to scalp people. Scalping people has absolutely no effect on the game but it is just fun to watch the enemy suffer and squirm around. The game altogether was pretty easy and very fast paced but look on the bright side, it was the easiest 1000 gamer score I have ever gotten.
Graphics: I had no problem with the graphics, they had some really great natural visuals in this game and the people look awesome. However there was room for improvment in the graphics more than anything else.
Audio: The sound as far as music went was suited perfectly for this kind of game. The dialogue in this game is the best though. It gives every character their own personality. They had some great voices in the game too. However I think they could add things like people talking on the side of the road and things like that.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay will satisfy anyone and everyone. You can be anything, stealthy, brute force, archer, magician or combine them. Even after those character choice there are more things that broken down into guilds. In the guilds you are a thief, an assassin, a mage, and fighter(like a police force/army). You can also be things that arn't involved in a guild, like a gladiator for example. This game has a great range of creatures that all have different abilities, strengths and weakneses. There is also a good amount of weapons, armor, and clothing, and jewlery. You have many skills that you can use to for fighting, magic, making potions, and everything in between. There are also many ways to increase your skills. You can use them frequently, level up, pay for training or even read a book. This game is extrmemely realistic in that for every action there is a punishment or reward. If someone catches you doing something like stealing and BAM! You get a bounty on your head and guards pursuit you. Every thing I just said is just thing you do on the side I havn't gotten to the main quest. The main quest is all about an evil daedra lord trying to taken over the world and now he has the opportunity since he assassinated the emporer and his heirs. There is one more chance for you though, your quest is to find one heir that the daedra lord doesn't know about. You do many things in this long difficult quest things like going undercover as an aprrentice for the Daedra Lord, destryoing oblivion gates and even saving a city call Kvatch. This game has it all.
Graphics: The graphics are great and they have a good 3D feel. The great thing about it is that almost every person has a different appearance.every weapon is different and they all have distinct characteristics. The armour is well sketched out and everything in them is well defined. I liked how you could change your view from first to third person. All together everything in this game looks real, especially the buildings and scenery.
Audio: They really did a great job in the music. They have a great band and a great song for everydifferent part of the game. I love how they changed it up from deep basses and tubas to flutes and violins. Other than music the things characters say and how they say them really adds to the characters essence and personality.
They did a good job of capturing every sound affect to. Throughout the game you will hear weapons clashing, hammers pounding, horses running , and of course monsters making their own distorted noise.
Suggestions: Keep doing what your doing and make new games.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay was good as far as controls and factors like that go, however I think that it was a little repetitive.
Graphics: The graphics were amazing. This game is at the top of the list as far as graphics go. They are detailed as far down as facial features, sweat, and even wrinkles in the clothing.
Audio: The sound is good the is some good monolouge in it. It is great to basically controll the crowds cheering too. However it is somewhat basic.
Suggestions: I think you guys should definetly fix those bugs, that was the biggest turn off. I also think that you guys could add differnet elemts into the game, like training and political elements like drugs and underground issues that the players and coaches have.A good example of this is in Def Jam Fight for New York.
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

I have been a fan of COD games since the first one and COD2 blows the rest out of the water.
Gameplay: There is tons of fun and challenge packed into every level of the game. The game has A great range of difficulties. There are also many different weapons . The weapons have all of the statistics mobility, range, accuracy, and damage. The maps are great and they are all very different so that everyone is happy.
Graphics: This game has great, non-pixel like graphics. The detail is down to every last blade of grass and every wrinkle in the clothing.
Audio: The audio is the game is spectacular. They included everything as far as sound. During the game you hear bullets in the distance, grenades exploding and even footsteps and people breathing. They also did a good job of dialouge and accents.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10