Average Overall Score Given: 7.33333 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 3
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3

Gameplay: The two largest differences of the gameplay from previous Hawk games to the third are the introduction of the revert and the speed. As THPS2 introduced the manual, it's succesor has brought the revert. Instead of only linking street tricks, it is now possible to link vert tricks. The revert provides the possibility to manual out of half pipe tricks. This provides much of the balance that it's predecessors lacked.
THPS3 is considerably faster than 2 or 1. Quicker reflexes and a fast hand are needed to succeed in this game. After playing, I tried THPS2x. I felt as if I was using the low gravity cheat because it seemed as though I was just floating through the air slowly. Most people will find it rather easy to make the adjustment, and enjoy it much more once they have.
Graphics: The only aspect of the game that is not top-notch is the visuals. Where other Hawk games have soared, THPS3 for the Xbox may dissapoint some. It is a little awkward that THPS3 doesn't have volumetric grass, as the second one did... While the game is generally a port from the PS2 version, it still paints a nice picture for the gamer.
Audio: The THPS series has been a force in extreme gaming since day 1. With powerful soundtracks and an immense list of sound effects, THPS3 delivers wonders for the ear. Backgrounds can be heard ranging from people to earthquakes in L.A. This definitely adds to the interactivity of the game.
Suggestions: USE THE XBOX. My frustration with developers is getting intense. Although a new skater and levels were added, the game is very similar to it's PS2 counterpart. Because the Xbox has almost twice as much graphical power, this is getting absurd...
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: This can't be said gently. Where there IS much opportunity for the engine, the flaws are shown miserably. Terrible Bike physics and ridiculous tricks make this game a little too unrealistic for my appeal.
Graphics: Not bad, remeniscent of PS2. Definitely does NOT use XBOX potential.
Audio: A large sound track and accurate sound effects are the game's strong point.
Suggestions: Improve the glitches and the replays, PLEASE!
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is tough at first. I feel that people overestimate it's difficulty though, as I had several friends play for the first time and execute moves properly. Like everyone says, once you get used to them they're great.
Graphics: The visuals are amazing, raising the bar for player models in all genres of gaming. Some players look better than others, which is interesting. The Big Show looks the best, resembling his real- life counterpart. Some superstars look terribly, such as Jeff Hardy or Triple H. This isn't a big deal if you're not a wrestling enthusiast.
Audio: A chair to the head's impact vibrates in your ears, the sounds are right on. The wrestling music is terrible, I lower the music, raise the SFX, and put some Rage on the stereo.
Suggestions: Add more modes, everything else is great.
An updated roster, new modes, and slightly tweaked graphics (if that's possible) isn't much to ask for.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10