MEMBER PROFILE FOR Masterchief1018
Average Overall Score Given: 7.60000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 18
Unreal Championship

Gameplay: The gameplay is fast, furious, and addactive. A very good combination for any game. The various evasive moves are a very nice touch.
Graphics: Although the visuals are not quite halo-esque, there are few games which have equal visuals to halo. Unreal Championship still looks great.
Audio: The sound is niceley done as well, no flaws here. It is very good while using surround sound. Feels like you are i nthe middle of a heated battle.
Suggestions: Next time you make a game for xbox, you should try making a new game, not just modifying one you already made. At least we can still download new maps off Xbox Live.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game play might be exciting to a F1 fan, but to a person just trying it out in general it was frustrating at times.
Graphics: The visuals were not spectacular, but they didn't make you recoil in disgust either. This was one of the game's strong points
Audio: The sound was good. The sounds of the engines and the crowd make for a true "day at the races" Experience
Suggestions: Next time you make a game for xbox try to take advantage of the hardware to a bit fuller extent. The game could use something extra to lure non-fans to it as well.
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10

Gameplay: The Gameplay is not anything too spectacular, but it is fun. The use of jedi powers and the analog stick light saber combat makes for a truly unique experience. True, it's not Jedi Knight good but any Star Wars fan should give it a go.
Graphics: The Visuals are.... well... the visuals are there. They are very dissapointing. The game looks like it was designed for PS1! Not that PS1 is crappy, but Xbox has alot more power than that. The Enviorments and water effects do look Xboxesque, however.
Audio: The music is decent , but the Voice acting is horrendous. Obi Wan's voice sounds like they hired some Norwegian bum to come in and record a few sentances. I mean, seriously, what was lucas arts thinking? A gorilla probaly could have done a better voice-over.
Suggestions: Yeah, polish the game up- add some more depth, Get a halfway decent voice actor and you'll be set.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is exelent. The feeling of impaling a demon is enthralling. I would recomend this game to anyone who enjoys action. The only drawback is those !&%$@#* puzzles.
Graphics: The Visuals are good, but not xbox good. Capcom really could have wowed us by fully utilizing the xbox hardware. Instead, they delivered PS2-like graphics. Still relitivley beautiful though
Audio: The sound is one of the game's strong points. From the authentic sounding voice acting to the cries of the demonic warriors.
Suggestions: Very well done, keep up the good work.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The Gameplay is somewhat addictive, the lack of good "wacking" skills can be frustrating at times but the feeling of frying a monster from regular to extra crispy more than makes up for it. Not quite what I was expecting though.
Graphics: The games dreary, unpolished enviorments can become a bit boring after the first 45 minutes or so. The spell effects are truly impressive saving the whole category.
Audio: The sound is nothing to write home about, the Irish orb/narrator can be a bit annoying. The other voices are not too badly done though.
Suggestions: This game could have been a whole lot better. I do commend you on your effort, but the game is not deep enough to keep me hooked. I played it for about a week and then bought Genma Onimusha. I would recomend using experience based char development. It would put a little more meaning into the game.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10