Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 594
FIFA Soccer 2003

Gameplay: The gameply is awesome! Its so realistic. If you run too fast with the ball you will have less control and therefore will be easiar for the defenders to steal. The rumble effect is also put to good use, when you hit the bar your controller will shake, when you get tackled really hard you'll feel it, and when your taking a penalty kick to win the game you'll feel your controller pumping as if it was a heart! Best gameplay in a sports game ever!
Graphics: The graphics have improved quite a bit compared to WC 2002 and FIFA 2002, but it still looks like an average XBox game. I noticed that the skin tones on some of the players were off a little but the faces have made a very nice improvement! Overall: Good work!
Audio: The sound is amazing! The fans are really nice and loud and almost evry team has unique chants (and there are more than 400 teams in the game!!!) The commentators are good and they have comments on big players (Figo, Zidane, Ronaldo, Rivaldo, Raul and more) If you have surround sound, you'll feel like your in the stadium!!! Its awesome!
Suggestions: I would suggest that the Creation Centre is included with FIFA 2004 (or maybe we could get OXM to put it on a demo disk...hint hint, wink wink) Next year you should spend a little more time on the rosters (Brighi is the best player in the game...WTF!!! Also Simao on Benfica is only 81?!?! he should be 90!!!) Also it should be XBL Compatible!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is awesome! I love roaming around the wild walkin into caves gettin my !&%$@#* kicked or killing the shop keeper and taking all of his items or making friends then murdering me thats quality!!! I love the different clans/houses in the game...I am currently a novice in the Blade's... We are the Eyes and Ears of the Empire!!! Its pretty cool walkin up to people talking about the Blade's...They're like "Oh the Blade's??? Noone knows who they are..they are the Emporers spies" There are 10 races that you can choose from: Argonian, Imperial, High Elves, Dark Elves, Wood Elves, Nord, Breton, Imperial, Khajit and Orc!!! Each race has its own specials for example the Argonians can breathe under water and are immune to poison!!! Theres just so much in the game!!! I can't explain it all!!!
Graphics: The Character modelas aren't that bad but OH MY GOD!! THE TEXTURES AND WATER EFFECTS IN THIS GAME ARE A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! I have never seen better!!! The sky is beautiful!!! Whether its lightning or sunny the effects are amazing!!!
Audio: The soun was good but not amazing. The footstep sounds are a little off and when u jump the landing sound is sometimes mis-timed. The voices are great. The Orcs and Dark Elves sound amazing!!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is amazing!!! The rumbling of the controller perfectly suits the terrain you are currently driving on!!! The beggining of the game in Career mode is pretty easy but gets difficult while you progress.....there is no easy or hard mode!!! after you win a cup u enter the next tournament which will be harder!!! The only think is that u cant drive off of the road that much!!!
Graphics: ALL I CAN SAY IS "OH MY GOD!!!!" The graphics are soooo nice!!! All the terrain is very well done!!! These are some of the best graphics E-V-E-R!!!! Great job Dice!!!
Audio: The sound is great!!! The cars sound great and the terrain does too!!! I couldnt ask for anythin more!!!
Suggestions: SEQUAL!!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

theres quite a bit of modes and ull never get bored of this game!!!!!
Gameplay: SAWEET~~!!!!!!!!! the snow is awesome i love this game!!!!SSx tricky sucks!!!!!!
Graphics: !!!!!!!!!!!!!
the snow looks real and thers different typs of snow!!! man its sweet!!!!
Audio: AAAAHHHH it sounds real!!!!!!!! the snow is amazing sounding when u carve it sounds amazing overall this game has perfect sound!!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

this game doesnt have that many flaws and it is an amazing buy whether your into biking or not!
the graphics are amazing and the 10 levels are M-A-S-S-I-V-E!!!!
Gameplay: the gameplay kicks ass!!!
its not very hard to play and its nice and quick and not skippy!!!!the controller rumble is good!
Graphics: the graphics are amazing and the 10 levels are M-A-S-S-I-V-E!!!! and the park editor is better then thps3's!!!
Audio: its a good soundtrack and when your in the air you can actually hear the spokes spinning!!!!and when you grind it sounds real!!!(i know because i do it on my haro)
Suggestions: PUT JAY MIRON IN THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10