Average Overall Score Given: 9.33333 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0

Gameplay: The gameplay is an absolute simulation. I know it's kind of slow at times. But if you're a hardcore BBALL fan... you'll love it. The Franchise mode is incredibly deep.
Graphics: Graphics are good, nothing off the hook, but still very good. Player animations are great, best part of the graphics. The crowd is also very good. And let's not forget the courts... they are also very well done.
Audio: The sound is fine. I never get to say much about this. The menu has one tune playing over and over again (very annoying). But the commentators make up for it.
Suggestions: Great game, improve gameplay and menu music.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is just plainly great. Great fist fighting, great shooting (Max Payne style), great use of the dog. How about the human shield, that rocks as well. It does have a minor camera flaw, and a pretty crappy saving system. The game is saved in either the beggining or a midpoint checkpoint, Why in the hell don't they leave the saving for us to do, whenever and wherever we want to.
Graphics: The grphics are fine, their not bad, and their defenetly not great. A few glitches here and there, and jaggies as well. But... at the end you'll end up liking them.
Audio: The sound is fine as well, it's not bad, but it doesn't excell either. You wont be impressed by any of it. Gun shots sound like their supposed to.
Suggestions: If you ever go for DTR 2 try enhancing the visuals, the saving system, and the camera views.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameply is solid, just like last years game, the attack is fun and now runs a bit faster. The defence is clearly a lot more fun with different kinds of tackles and a few other new options.
Graphics: The visual is great but it's the only area where they failed to make a number of changes. Don't get me wrong the graphics are exellent, the only drop back is that I was able to find just a couple of improvemnts compared to 2002.
Audio: Finally the sound is decent!, with Pat gone and Al in, Madden seems like a real TV broadcast game. Soundtrack is pretty good too.
Suggestions: Just keep on producing this great Madden series.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is sweat, many weapons, monsters, special magic and more. It gets very hard if youre playing it by two's. The hack and slash does not get any better. They really managed to make an entertaining game. The biggest problem is the saving points, there are huuuuge gaps between them.
Graphics: The graphics are great, blood is beautifully animated, weapons and models too. The levels have great textures. Somehow they also managed to keep the framerate at a perfect point(not too high, not low)
Audio: Sound is good but could of been better, the voice acting sucked. Believe me this does not lower the entertainment or the overall appeal of the game.
Suggestions: Great Game!! few mistakes.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Note: Iv'e only gone through the first two chapters.
Gameplay: The gameplay is one of the best parts. Some official (pro) reviewers say that the gameplay is slow paced. This is true in some ways, and just small sections of the game. People say that you get bored of the killing system.... well I can say that after 5hrs. Im still not bored of it, in fact I'm enjoying much more now than I used to at the start. The best part about the gameplay are the Dark Gifts, these are just plainly fantastic. The big problem with it is taht their not used often enough.
Graphics: The graphics are very good. Some may say this is a downside of the game... well I can tell you it's not. The graphics are not great, but get the job done. The enviorments are almost perfect!!. The really bad thing about the graphics are the character models. Kain has a good model though.
Audio: Great!, the best you can hope for. Eidos is by far the best sound production company, they proved it with Deus Ex and now with Blood Omen. When killing a victim you will love the way they squeal.
Suggestions: Upgrade the graphics. Make more use of the Dark gifts.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is the best about this game. It's a complete winning eleven copy, you won't find anything different about Winning Eleven and MLS 2002. The feel for the game is so much better than the Fifa series. I used to be a hardcore fifa fan since the 94' game. When I played Winning Eleven for PS my likings changed completely. So... if you have played Winning Eleven and enjoyed it BUY THIS NOW!. If you're a Fifa fan you might find it extremely different, and maybe just maybe... you won't like it. But if you're a soccer fan I find it impossible for you not to like it.
Graphics: The graphics are OK. Their probably below EAsports Fifa series. But believe this is not the downside of the game. The polygons are polished and ready to go for the Xbox capability. Believe me though... there wont be much difference between this game and the Gamecube version. Anyways the graphics are not the thing you should notice. But don't get me wrong, the game has pretty good visuals. The menus are beatifully presented by ESPN. You'll notice the similar ESPN feel.
Audio: Great sound, the commentaries blow away Fifa's John Motson. There's also a choice for a Spanish commentary. The music is acceptable but repetitive. But it's still up to standard. Belive me... do not wait for FIFA.
Suggestions: Keep up the good work!!. I hope Konami Japan come up with a Xbox version of Winning Eleven.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The first person shooter levels are bad. Actually they suck compared to other fps. But when you play the levels with the cars, shooting over people with rockets and machine guns, theres a lot more to enjoy. The second factor is that the game has an Ok multiplayer.
Graphics: The graphics are Ok too. Nothing special. Of course it is a Ps2 port and that kills it. Although the cars look fantastic. It has an overall good graphical aspect though.
Audio: The sound is Ok, nothing special but the typical stuff. The machine guns and pistols sound really good when their fired, and mostly just overall common stuff like that. The acting speeches are also very clear.
Suggestions: You need to stop doing this as a port from ps2 or Xbox owners (like myself) will stop buying your crap! (EA). And I'm not only talking about this game but also about Nba live, Madden etc.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is just stunning. Is the kind of boxing game that has 2 jab styles. Hooks, special moves even dirty moves!. The games highest point is the gameplay which excells far over any of the KK series. If you don't like this.... you are a very strange person (or not a boxing fan).
Graphics: The graphics are very good. You can see saliva coming out of the boxers mouth after a big hook punch, or even sweat after a long fight. When the boxers get tired there is noticable sweat shining on their backs. But there is always the PS2 curse... the graphics are still a little jaggy and lack the finishing touch of the Xbox hardware.
Audio: The sound is really not a weak point of the game but is not great either. The punches sound good, the crowd sounds OK and the rest is just plain average but not bad at all.
Suggestions: Just keep developing this series, next time add up some more depth to the carrer mode.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Perfect gameplay with a few minor mistakes (only my opinion), lack of team batlles at the mid point of the game, chapters 7-9. It turns from a team battle game to a plane first person shooter just like many invented before. First impressioon of the game is absolutly amazing. Lasting appeal falls a bit short (merely of my expectations. The use of areal and ground attack is just what the game needed to be revolutionary, amazing stuff!.
Graphics: Sorry but I just can't find anything wrong with it. Sometimes some of the alien architecture (indoor), gets repetitive. Just perfectly designed!.
Audio: The sounds are as perfect as real life. Convenant voices, screams and even conversations are just PERFECT!!. Sound is the most complete part, but then again is the easiest to accomplish.
Suggestions: Please start developing HALO 2!!, and another thing never design it for the PS2!. Maybe add more team battles. Besides that everythings just perfect.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10