Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2

Gameplay: These missions really suck you in. Its addicting as they come. its very smooth and really realistic. If your one of those people who does arcade and cant hande getting killed with one or two bullets id say this isnt for you. This games has everything you would want in a shooter game. firepower, big explosions, lots and lots of gun fire, more enemys and much more cover to sneak around. Gives you the feel of some serious power. CAll in air strikes on anything you want in lone wolf mode! JUST PLAY THE GAME!
Graphics: Graphics oh yeah! Almost like they used some splinter cell graphics eneinge a huge improvement over the old ghost recons. The night vision mode is unreal compared to any other night vision modes in any other game. The over the shoulder cam is great. Some people are stuck on the 1st person shooter view, and i was the same until this. The view helps keep you tucked behind corners without sticking out to much. Very sweet smooth graphics. No glitches so far that i noticed. Good draw rate as well makes the sniper rifle more effective then it was in the prior games. Excellent!
Audio: The sound is great. If you have suround its even better. The sound just enhances the battlefield feeling of this game 10 fold. They did not get scimpy with the sound. The bullets wizzing and morters going of really makes for a hell of a gaming experience.
Suggestions: Keep up this good work, these clancy's games rae probably my favorite. On the next one though give the map mode way points for individual squad members in hopes to make it so you can get some better crossfires yet. Also allow you to cover more angles at one time.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: This game plays extremely smooth. When you drive through area with buildings it really feels like your flying. Not to mention a realistic sense of handling, each car is so unique in handling its pretty amazing.
Graphics: The graphics are great, It would be nice though when getting damaged if more parts would fall of the car and if you could pretty much fold up the front end when hitting head on at a high speed that would be cool. roads look great. I love getting into the low camera angle view the road flying by looks great. I also like the reflections you get of of some of the buildings with large store fron windows. pretty cool stuff.
Audio: sound is good, each car has its own unique sounds which is pretty cool, custom sounds tracks are great. put some music in makes you feel like driving. but i think they chould add to the sound when you go flying past an oponet, maybes some wind sound as you blow by.
Suggestions: At some sounds effects to the cars that gives you the sensation your wipping by the person you pass. mayb some wooshing wind sounds. Also some of those cars could use unlocakable paint jobs, i suggest racing decals and such would be neat. the prosche 911 GT 1 gots that plain grey i thought it loog great with racing stripes and some racing decals. just an example
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10