Average Overall Score Given: 8.37500 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 81
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3

Gameplay: The gameplay is amazing i have to say realistic actions and everything it is just unbalevable
Graphics: now the visual is also amazing outstanding graphics very realistic, the graphics will blast you out of this world.
Audio: sound is great yet again realistic loud noices go out and buy this game
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game play is just simply amazing,Outstanding,out of this world i just love it i have actually just game off playing it about 1 hour ago.
Graphics: Visual is very good great graphics on buildings characters and other enviromental structures.
Audio: The sounds are ok appart from the gun noises could have been made a little more realistic appart from that ok.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is very poor there isnt alot to do thats all there is to say really
Graphics: The visual is good thats about it.
Audio: The sound isnt very good all it is, is gun fire to the game practacly
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game play is ok not great there isnt alot of replay value thats the disatvantage about this game.
Graphics: The visual isnt too good well its not rubbish put it that way its not the greatest could be better
Audio: The sound is also not to good there is practacly only 2 sounds that go on in the game the gun fire and the bosses voice wich he says the same thing over and over again.
Suggestions: cmon guys you can do better
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: The Gameplay is amazing its just one of those games you will never get fed up off, it is very very realistic well worth buying.
Graphics: now this is the main thing about the game the visual/graphics are absalutley stunning i was soo amazed when i got it, it looks just so god !&%$@#* real.
Audio: The sounds are ok sothing special the snow sound effects are very good and another good thing is you can upload your very own sound tracks.
Suggestions: try do the same if there is an amped 3
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is outstanding easy to learn its a Pick up and play game theres none of this totural first.
Graphics: The games visual asre just outstanding bit glitchy but other than that absalutley amazing so ill have to give this one a 5.0
Audio: The sounds are great each car smashed has theire own smashing shound each gun fired has their own firing sound This ill give 4.5
Suggestions: yes. well done guys keep up the good work.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is ok nothing special its just the fact you are stuck in a plane all the game there is no vast exploretion.
Graphics: Its ok again nothing special, the looks of the how could i say ground are poor and the looks of the sky is poor and the looks of the surroundings are poor.
Audio: The sounds are ok gun fire is pretty good thats all there is to say really oh yeah and the sourrounding sound is ok
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

and also very good multiplayer.
Now the weapons are just so powerfull they will blast you out of your seat and blow your hands off with the recoil of the controll pads vibration.
There are a vast range of weapons from handgun to RPG (Rocket prepelled grenade).
So i say get out there and buy it!
Gameplay: The gameplay very easy to pick up its 1 of those games you just pick up the controller and learn it within a few minutes.
its a very realistic game that just gets your adrenalin pumping
Graphics: Now on to visual Eg. The grass has been patched in which means it actually looks like real grass it is truely amazing and the graphics on the guns are also very good personally the best iv seen so far
Audio: Now sound this is the good part even the sightest bang in the game will blow your ears clean off dont let that put you off ;)
Suggestions: Keep up the good work guy you do me proud ;)
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10