Average Overall Score Given: 7.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 2
Men of Valor

Gameplay: Gameplay at times is magnificent, very realistic and everything seems to gel together quite well. At times though you will be left thinking 'what the' as they shoot you while ur behind a tree or when u cant shoot them but they can get you, or when you sit there for 20 minutes with ur scope set on one spot and u kill and wait for another guy to run out from the pushes, take the same position, nicely aligned to your scope. to stop this you need to move on, it just seems stupid! Another thing, AI is pretty retarded really, both enemy and allies, but allies especially, they get in the way of your shots, they look around (especially at you) in the middle of a battle and are just generally stupid. You cant seem to kill them yourself and at times i wish you could...
Besides those things which mite leave your controller feeling abused, its pretty fun gameplay
Graphics: Visually this game is mad, one of the best i've played yet (admittedly shorter than others xbox career). Explosions, smoke, fire, trees, shrubs, people its all pretty good. Gunfire needs a bit of work but thats the only fault i could point out.
Audio: Sound overall is quite good, tho the samples used when in action where your team-mates are yelling stuff tends to get very repetative, when you here 'get some' over and over you'll see what i mean. needs some expansion to suit different scenarios and more variety
Suggestions: Bit of work on gameplay needed, more brains for both AI, especially teammates is needed! Sound needs more variety and graphics are great but one can always do with more :p
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay, when you first start is great, nearly everything you've seen wrestlers do, can be done! Problem is, after 30-50 matches it gets very tedious, variety in match types becomes very little as the game goes on (career mode) it would be nice to throw in some tag team matches, instead of just ladder and cage and the versus modes
Graphics: Visually this game is almost all you could ask for! Only problem i have is the crowd looks very pathetic. But blood splatters all over the floor....great stuff!
Audio: Sound again is all you could expect! The soundtrack, while not bad, gets on your nerve after a while, but you can change it to a certain degree
Suggestions: more variety in career mode, better crowd visuals, better integration of custom music, better ways to unlock wrestlers, and i reckon if u added todays wrestlers aswell that'd be cool!
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: You basically just go through the challenges they face in the movie where you havta finish the level but there are also small tasks that you get rewarded with golden starfish! Not much variety in the tasks tho
Graphics: visually its pretty good, all the characters look good, the water effects are cool and live quite closely to the movie
Audio: Not alot for the ears on this one, the sound of water splashing for hours and hours get on ya nerves after a while, especially when you have an annoying level! Music is pretty cool, for a kiddies game ;)
Suggestions: Make it more funny, there wasnt enough humour, THQ made spongebob and thats very humorous! Also needs for variety in the levels and tasks. Ofcourse we havta wait for Nemo 2 the movie first ;)
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10