Average Overall Score Given: 8.66667 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
NBA Live 2002

Gameplay: The gameplay is very nice! They have lots of modes that you can play. There is a practice mode for people playing it first. There is also season mode, 1 on 1 mode and Franchise mode which is EXCELLENT! Create a dynasty over 10 Years, that is the ebst gameplay in the game.
Graphics: The visuals are outstanding. The crowd looks great and so do the players. The players look a lot smoother and realistic. You can actually see ALL the tatoos on a player and see thier actuall shoes for example Kobe Bryant, you can see the actuall Kobe shoes that are sold everywhere where he plays. The cinematic scenes are also very nice like before the game, during time outs etc.
Audio: The sound has also been improved. The announcers are alright, but not excellent. The crowd has some of the best sound. They cheer when a great play comes and boo when the other team scores.
Suggestions: The graphics are very nice. Maybe the players should have had better AI (Artificial Intelligence) like when they are angry, they would dunk and hang on the rim and get Technicals. There should also be flagrent fouls and players should be able to yell at refs and get Technicals, so should the coaches. Also they should have added Zone defense to the game.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

These graphics are tight!
Very nice looking!
There are lots of things to do in the game to make you want to keep playing it. Like Media Challenge, Sponser Mode, Pro Mode and even more!
Gameplay: Wow! The gameplay is nice. Much better than SSX Tricky! You ACTUALLY have a button for grinds instead of jumping on a branch and hope you grind! Also the cheats for it make you want to play more since they are so fun.
Graphics: A LOT to say about the graphics.
They look so realistic. Microsoft did a great job on the game. The snow effects are good and the trees look great too. And when the snowboarder goes faster you can see his clothes start to wrinkle and blow!
Audio: Man! Therea re 150+ tracks on this Game and many different genres to choose from! You shouldnt get tired of these tunes too early! Plus you can put your own soundtrack on there!
Suggestions: None! You did a great job!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

It was average.
Gameplay: Nothing really brings you into the game. There isnt enough enemys to make you keep fighting. Basically you roam around 80% of the time flying off one place to another.
Graphics: WOW! It sucked! The cinematics were a nice touch. But I didnt see anything beautiful. It was pitch black. The only thing visual in this game was 80% Black. I guess thats why they let you adjust the brightness in the game. However the brightnes on full does nothing.
Audio: Pretty nice sound. The characters sound exactly like the ones in the chartoon and the punches and kicks sound nice too.
Suggestions: Make the gameplay better.
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10