Average Overall Score Given: 7.75000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Fuzion Frenzy

Gameplay: Very fun mini-games. More fun than Mario Party. Sumo and Tailblazer are fun. That one with the rafts is cool too. There's great fun in this game and is worth a rent for one of those party things.
Graphics: The graphics are splended....just like any other Microsoft game (for Xbox that is).
Audio: The soundtrack is pretty cool....just those stupid characters...I mean, Zak's "Let's go!" is just plain annoying.
Suggestions: Try to make better characters! These guys suck.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is exactly identical to THPS2. So, seeing how that's good...I would have to give this a good score..
Graphics: The graphics are great. Treyarch must of taken THPS2, added all the levels, and girl create-a-skater then turned the graphics to THPS3. Too bad the controls feel funny.....
Audio: Great....awesome soundtrack you'll actually know people on here. The sound of grinding a rail and pulling off a Boneless tell you that you're skating.
Suggestions: No. Th only thing I can think of is tweaking the controls. I find it hard to get a response from pushing the thumb stick diagonal.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: Like I said before, the gameplay is nothing to brag about. When somebody attacks, you never see it coming. If the bull drives up and slices you in half with an axe, well, there's just no way to avoid it. Just keep driving and shooting and hope you're not attacked with an axe. The main reason because of this si how fast this game is played. Players move at breakneck speeds and it's very hard to do quick turns and begin a chase.
Graphics: Graphics.....a huge plus to Cel Damage. As it's name implies, this game is Cel-shaded. What does this mean? It means that the graphics are made to look cartoony. The Wild Wooly West level is taken for exxample. The railroad tracks on this level look just like they would on a Bugs and Daffy show. There's no jaggies and everything is beutifully animated.
Audio: The characters are fairly funny. My favorites are Fowl Mouth ("beep you you mother-beeping of beep") and the bull ("long live vegetarianism" and "i hope my mother gives you E Coli!") Funny stuff indeed.
Suggestions: Slower.....much less focus on so much death. Wait awhile until the next loss comes...people dont have to die every three seconds.
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

Gameplay: Halo is a FPS with a twist. You can only carry two weapons at a time. A change from the twenty weapons being carried in some kind of invisable sack that must float behind you. You can also kill an alien and pick up it's weapon. This is a very neat feature and helps as the game's choice of weapons doesn't hold a finger to that of Perfect Dark's. Halo adds even more by allowing the use of various vehicles, both human and alien. Tons of fun. Almost unbeleivable amounts of fun. The single player campaign is great and complete with one of the best storylines ever, Halo is worth buying just for single player. It's multiplay is also great, you can play split-screen or via LAN. There's also a co-op mode, which is also very fun. You can even edit the game-types. The fun in Halo is huge and you'll find yourself playing alot longer than expected.
Graphics: Screenshots do NOT give this game justice! Halo looks beutiful when played. Wether it's the amazingly life like grass, astounding water, breath-taking veiws of Halo's oceans, or the awesome sight of Halo looping back up into the sky, Halo's graphics put PS2 to pity. The textures on the trees, ground, and even the walls all are detailed and realistic. Halo does not look like a PC game. The speacial effects of explosions and water splashing back from the Warthog jeep top it all off.
Audio: I never really payed attention to the sound. Dont ask me why but I didn't. I noticed Halo's sound. First the music. Music was a huge strong-point in Halo. It may be the creepy tune thats played during level six or the edge-of-your-seat music on the end scene, Halo's music draw you into the game and gives you the sense of feeling Master Cheif might be feeling in the game.
Suggestions: Bots! Halo needs bots in multiplayer! Playing a huge six-teen player game with the AI of Halo would be a sight to see. A better assortment of weapons and enemies may be nice but not needed.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10