Average Overall Score Given: 7.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Curse: The Eye of Isis

Gameplay: The gameplay isn't so bad. True, you do move incredibly slowly; which is a pain when trying to escape from the boss characters, and true the aiming system is a little annoying; with no real way of be able to switch between two or more enemies, but it's an enjoyable game most of the time. The big thing I found that wasn't so great was the lack of story/plot, and actual difficulty and length of the game. I rented it for 2 days, and beat it long before it was due back. The plot leaves a little to be desired, with the ending really not making any sense at all (the final boss was so easy too?). The control of the character got some getting used to as well, because as the camera changed, the direction control changed too, until you let go of the button and started again (ie: You'd be walking to the left, the camera would change so it would appear you were walking to the right, but your control stick would still be pushing left, so you'd have to stop walking, push right to continue in the same direction, and thereby reset your control scheme).
Graphics: The game ran very smoothly, with so-so texture detail and models. I liked how smoothly everything ran when moving around, and when the camera swung to a different location. In a sort of visual way, the box art made the game out to be a lot more terrifying than it really was, so I was a little disappointed there.
Audio: your guide Abdul always had the lamest things to say to you as he appeared various times throughout each level. Things like "you must find 'so-and-so'", when you've been spending the entire level doing just that. The voice actors probably weren't really English, and Abdul's voice actor probably wasn't really Arabic, but they did an ok job of it I guess. The screams were pretty horrible. characters were always saying things that were totally idiotic or completely apparent, or incredibly dorky sounding (like 'good gracious!' when a monster appears). pretty blah...
Suggestions: Make it scarier; If this were a movie it'd be rated PG-13. Write the story so it makes sense, and to you voice actors, give a little more emotion when the times ask for it.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: , could this game be any less fun? The only way I found the slightest tickle in this game was seeing how much damage I could inflict upon the vehicle and still make it past the finish line. That said, the crash engine is great, quite realistic, but if I have to enjoy playing the game by doing the opposite of what I'm supposed to, there's something missing.
I should also say that I do enjoy racing games, very much so, so I'm not just some yahoo blowing off his mouth about something he knows nothing about.
Graphics: Graphics are beautiful. No complaints here. Very smooth and well detailed, but again graphics don't mean much when the game isn't fun.
Audio: sounds are alright, the engine rev sounds are a little hollow, like there's a certain wavelength missing from them, hard to explain. The music is cool in the menu system, how it mixes into a different song seamlessly when you change menus.
Suggestions: I'd like to say a bit more about the game, elaborate on why it's so boring, but the truth is there's nothing to say because there's nothing to talk about. The fun's just not there. I'll try and give it another shot, but overall I'm pretty disappointed in this game.
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay was hit and miss for me. While I enjoyed the thoughtful puzzles and well laid out level design; with it's trickeries having you run from place to place, up walls and cascading down waterfalls, the fighting engine really wasn't enjoyed at all. I always hated the points where I came to a fight scene, as it was ludicrously more and more difficult to even make it halfway through the battles as the game went on. The princess you're playing alongside really isn't any help either, as she only stands around and gets hit by the sand creatures attacks. she tries to hit the monsters with her arrows, but usually ends up hitting the player and furthering his folly. I'd only get through the battle scenes in order to get back to the puzzles and, in my mind, the heart of the game. Control was also difficult, as it's directional orientation changed with the movement of the camera, having you jump and move in directions you really would rather not (like during a jump from pole to pole, or when moving a turning switch). But, with it's hidden bonus' of POP 1 and 2, I may just be playing the game for a little while longer than expected.
Graphics: The game's graphics are beautiful. The player's animations are seamless and wonderfully animated. I watched the 'making of' movie supplied in the extra features menu, and really applaud the designers for making such a smooth animation set for each character. The lighting effects are also top notch, as are the wonderful level designs and architecture. this is certainly one of, if not the shining point in this game.
Audio: sounds were great. The music, with it's mix of "Arabian Nights" meets "Metallica", really keeps you into the game. Sound effects were also well done, and were apparently, (again, by watching the 'making of' movie short), recorded using a number of quality voice actors, singers, musicians, and sound effects engineers. The only qualm I have about the sound was that it was difficult to hear the princess character , even at a few feet away from her, or if the camera wasn't facing directly at her. Sometimes it would seem the prince would be talking to himself, because the princess was behind a wall, or running behind him too far, or was just barely too distant to hear. This sometimes effected gameplay, as she sometimes gave you hints as to where you needed to go, but it wasn't truly a big deal.
Suggestions: This was a great game, I enjoyed it very much. The only major dislike I have for the game is the fighting the sand monsters. A puzzle only game, with the odd 'level boss' would have been enjoyed by me much more, and I'm sure many other players.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10