Average Overall Score Given: 7.50000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 2

Well yes I will, this game has some serious bugs..... DO not walk on anything you crash into (i.e. fences, gates, bins). If you walk onto these items you will get trapped.... I have just had to quit the games as Tanner just stands there like a demented terrier....
Game is GOOD, originality is NON-EXISTENT....
Gameplay: Driving is realistic yet very playable...
Walking around is a bit naff as Tanner gets trapped on the smallest piece of stuff....
Gun aiming is a bit laborious....
Graphics: Spot On.....
Why didn't you take as much care with the sound and gameplay as yo udid with the visuals??? Oh Why....
Sod this driver malarky - make some bloomin Gods games will you???
Audio: They exist - nothing much more to say.... .
Suggestions: Don't bother with number 4 until you have some decent developers in.... I have some great ideas for some games....
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: Movement is smooth, and the controls are very effective.
The only downfall is that your car seems to abide to different physical to the cpu cars. (I.E - you go into the back of a cpu car and you go wildly out of control, and if a cpu car crashes into your car you STILL go wildly out of control. I've nearly thrown my XBOX against the wall on numerous occasions!!!
Graphics: Visuals are spot on!!!! Graphics are smooth and contored. Each car looks fantastic and the glint of chrome is very attractive.....
Audio: Engine/Sound effects are good. The music that was provided was a bit naff, but this is cool as you can play your own music in the game anyway.
Suggestions: All cars should abide by the same laws of physics in the next game, please?
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is very smooth and controlled, however, FIFA 2003 on the PS2 surpasses this ten-fold with it's arcadie-type hardball/nhl gameplay. When play commence you will usually spend the first few games bumming around in midfield and then booting the ball out of play at every given opportunity. Once you become acustomed to the pattern of play then the gameplay is fun and solid... Like 2003, the gameplay gets a bit mental when you get very good at the game, with bizarre movements from the ball - 'being sucked onto your foot'.
Graphics: Visually this game is stunning, although some players look like they've had their face crushed with a shovel. Player listings can be a little confusing as they are ordered differently depending on what screen you are in. And it would have been more convenient to be able to view your first 11 players on one screen - only displays 9 players on Squad selection team.
Audio: This game has a fine soundtrack, and the in-game effects are reasonable. The only drawback is the constantly annoying Ally McCoist blabberinging on. Although the commentary provides one high-light in the form of John Motson when he says the name Boateng - incredibly funny - sounds more like Bwaarrrtenggg.
Suggestions: Make it more like sensible soccer for the Commodore Amiga.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is reasonable, movement is smooth but the bizarre camera angles & movement can sometimes make you feel dizzy. Spell selection is tedious but other than that fairly good.
Graphics: Visually this game is pleasant - nice colours/graphics etc, although it is sometimes difficult to determine a creature's colour.
Audio: Sound is good although Arran's guides voice is a little unsettling as when Arran dies she states Oh Arran Oh Arran.... Which gives me the impression he's bumming her.
Suggestions: Scrap it - It's feeble!!!!
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10