Average Overall Score Given: 8.60000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 209
Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance

This game is what mortal kombat 4 should have been. It has alot more elements of gameplay and also brings back the cat -n- mouse fighting of mk2 which most people like. The combo system is much improved and much more complicated (over the oh so boring mk3-4 combos).
Gameplay: This is the high point of the game. If you can get your friends over its a blast. The new fighting styles adds alot of replay value. The only downside i see to gameplay is that most characters only have 2 special moves. But in reality each fighting style adds their own types of special moves.
Graphics: The games graphics are a tiny bit lower than DOA3 on xbox. The game has beautiful silky smooth animations and the graphics are definitely some of the best of any fighting game made to date. Another thing is no pallete swapping!!!! Boon finally decided to make unique looking characters instead of making one costume and using it 8 times.
Audio: Music is catchy sound effects are creepy...all in all well done. I wish they had a little more tunes than just one / stage and the krypt sounds though. Quality wise its a 5 definitely.
Suggestions: Think more like killer instinct II... the more you can do combo wise the more replay value the game has. Great step were made towards this but killer instinct II is still the best fighting game ever made.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is probably the strongest point of this game. With revert added on you can even manual off of a ramp. I have to say that this game has turned out to be one of the funnest games i've ever played. All im missing is GTA3 for my xbox AHHHHH =).
Graphics: The game is crystal clear and solid frame rates. It feels so much better playing this game on xbox than ps2 and compared to 2x on xbox also. The only problem i have with the graphics is they are not unbelievably great. They are just well done. You wont be slobbering over the graphics but they ARE good.
Audio: Sounds are great...There are PLENTY of songs something like 40 i think. It takes quite a while (like an hour and a half or so) to get through the tracks if your just free skating. The selection of songs is like 20x better than thps2x.
Suggestions: Add more extra combination stuff that connects like the new revert in thps3. The more things you can do the more challenging it is!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay wise this game is great. The traction and acceleration physics are exceptionally well done. There are plenty of different styles of play whether you plan on playing with friends or solo. I dont know how to describe it but the game lacks somewhere it feels realistic but it is missing that extra fun factor that is simply missing to add for gameplay rating.
Graphics: The graphics are fairly good. I'm yet to see a game on xbox with poor graphics. I consider based on today's standards poor graphics to be the average to slightly above average looking ps2 game. This game has some jaggies that are noticeable if you are looking for them. And they could have added some more detail to the textures. But in general its got clean graphics. The cars look near perfect to their real life counterparts. The tracks were well done and appear to be very close if not identical to locations in the parts of the world they are named as.
Audio: Sound Quality and music selection is great. This is the first xbox game i've seen that has a more all encompassing group of songs to select from. Ranges from techno music to music appropriate for the japaneese tracks.
Suggestions: ADD A WHOLE SYSTEM TO SOUP UP YOUR CARS AND CUSTOMIZE THEM. Seems like they would have learn from Grand Turismo 3's popularity to add such features. When a game on Xbox does include this i will be buying it the day it comes out if it has good gameplay.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: This is what consoles were designed for. Fun games for the living room. From bug splatting to rolling around in metal balls knocking each other off platforms there is tons of replay value in this set of games if you will.
Graphics: The graphics are crisp and clear. There is nothing special affects wise that is going to make you go WOW though. Graphics are up to par for XBOX titles but nothing special. 3.0 rating on graphics from isn't a bad thing it just means its not going to look crappy like a ps2 game does. The only game thus far that i've rated 5.0 on graphics is DOA3.
Audio: I would have given this a four if it wasn't for the annoying voices. The sound fx's are cool and the bass thumps hard on this game surprisingly. It adds a great element to the game...but why the cheesy voices? LOL.
Suggestions: Make another one and make it more indepth 3d wise. Increase the # of games and make some of them more detailed and more involving gameplay wise.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay wise this game gets a 4.5 from. Very fun and as i said before it has great replay value. So many different tricks and styles of playing as well as making careers and opening new levels!
Graphics: Visual appeal is decent. ITs not dead or alive 3 quality graphics. But the graphics are clear and good quality. The blur affects added on the xbox version of 2 add somewhat.
Audio: Sound quality is great. The music that comes with the game is not as good as tony hawk 3's was on ps2. Thats one thing i'll have to go rip and burn on my xbox hd until thps 3 comes out for xbox in february :)
Suggestions: Yes keep up the good work...for thps4 (assuming you will be making one) or for thps3 if its not a direct port of ps2...please add some more features similar to manuals to connect combos more broadly. The manuals are limited in thps2x and in 3 they are improved by one extra feature. I would like to see more of these features...possibly making it to where you cant use manuals but in certain situations and you have to do another thing to link in another situation. (in other words make it more challenging)
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10