Average Overall Score Given: 8.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Batman Vengeance

Gameplay: Pretty interesting, cool that they have joker and his clown friend, cinematics were funny. would be interesting if they could come up with a cooperative mode.
Graphics: Its a Cartoon, if your looking for real drool type graphics go to halo, its the same thing with simpsons game, if you want super graphics go with a game that takes place in an area where you can have it... theres only so much detail you can get with a colored pencil
Audio: Very cool sounds, almost the exact same voices as in the cartoon, loved the "mr. Jays" hey at least they didn't cover the violence with "Bam" and "kap
Suggestions: make the plot more fun, make us want to play. if you want you can make all those people who wnt "super cool graphics" happy too.... im not sure how though
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: Great gameplay, You drive around in cars that would be associated with your favorite simpsons character, with head to head, mission, sunday drive and road rage, the game hardly gets boring. Although the remarks from the driving characters could be repetative and drawn out its really lots of fun.
Graphics: Great graphics, it probably doesn't use all of xbox's features but its pretty !&%$@#* nice for a 3d cartoon. I love the layout of the town, although sometimes turns can be a little tricky and characters hairs look funny.
Audio: Great soundtrack, as previously stated repetative comments do get annoying after a while it is pretty cool to hear the actual voices of simpsons characters, how ever distorted they may be by your tv set.
Suggestions: Add more head to head mission types, more character voices, thats all you could really do without leaving the racing genre
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10