Average Overall Score Given: 9.33333 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 36

If you are thinking about picking this up, rent it first. Some seem to love it despite the horrible on foot portions. Some seem to love it.
I decided to up my score to 4 because the missions in Nice are a little better, some are harder, and the shooting seems to be less intrusive in small corridors.
Gameplay: The shooting portions of this game are unplayable. In every firefight you either end up aiming at the ground or at the air. There is no sensitivity setting that will change this. The on foot portions are CRAP. OK, so this wouldn't be that big of a problem if it was focused mainly on the driving. WRONG. The on foot portions end up being closer to HALF of the game. AND add the fact that the shooting parts are hard, you end up replaying these missions over and over and over and over again, just because you can't turn quick enough when you enter a room, so you get a shotgun in your face.
The driving part is beautiful. I love smashing into cars chasing them down. I love running from cops. I love it. Unfortunately, there isn't enough of this in the game. I end up flying by the driving missions and crawling through the shooting portions.....
Graphics: The graphics are beautiful. But come on, how long can I look at the pretty crome on the cars before it gets boring. Good visuals do not make a good game.
Audio: The sound... well it is there. I never really notice it except when you top out the motors in some cars. This makes it sound like you are redlining it. Kind of annoying. Still, good sound effects overall, and OK music.
Suggestions: FOCUS ON DRIVING. I could give a crap less about shooting people in a game called DRIVER. How is it that a game like Halo or Max Payne can make it SO easy to shoot, yet this game is so horrible. They must not have had play-testers. I would not have let this game be released in this state.
Also, NO ONE CARES HOW GOOD THE CUT SCENES LOOK LIKE! The writing, if there ever actually was any, is horrible. I wish they would have spend less time making cut-scenes and more time making the game better. Do they even have a writer? It seems like the story was thrown together by the programmers.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The teams are so different, that I had to switch around to find one that fit my playing style. I loved to be able to run the ball and throw it a bit, so Dolphins ended up as my favorite team.
Graphics: The graphics on this amazed me. My mother walked in while we were playing and asked, "Who's playing today?" She actually thought it was a TV game. I love the reflections off the helmets. Very cool.
Audio: The sound in this game was realistic and very engrossing. The only reason I am not giving it a 5 for sound is because of the commentary. How many times can Madden say,"That's a good special teams play." when I pick Field-goal... Way too repetative.
Suggestions: Don't have Madden comment on the "Suggested Play", because it gives away to the other person I play with that I picked the highlighted play....
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is fast paced, never slowing down. You also don't have to worry about your health too much ever. It's really an easy game.
Graphics: The graphics on this blew me away. I couldn't believe the cool effects the armor and the vehicles looked like.
Audio: The sound blew me away.Gotta love the explosions and the gunfire in this. It really gives you a sense that you are really there.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10