Total Reviews: 20
Average Overall Score Given: 8.60000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 2353

NCAA Football 2003

Overall: This game is so fun. I love the multiplayer, its just so cool. I really like how everything comes together to make an awesome football game. It just awesome. Im not kidding. First time i played it at his house, we played all night.

Gameplay: The gameplay is awesome. We started a Double Dynasty, so we each had a team, and played the games every weekend. I just had so much fun. Oh yeah, you cant for get the Mascot games. Haha. those are just soo much fun.

Graphics: The graphics in this game are good. Just like Madden. EA has great graphics, however, dont beat out ESPN. Eitherway, EA has the best college football game. I have noticed that when the running back has the ball, it actually looks in his arm, instead of floating, which means a bright futurE!

Audio: The sound in this game is a typical football game. I would give it a five, but then i played ESPN NFL 2k4. This game does have cool comentary, and the first round of sayings is really funny. There are a ton, so you dont hear repeats everygame, and i like that a lot.

Suggestions: None, and NCAA Football 2004 is PIMP

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Madden NFL 2004

Overall: This game is good. Best from EA yet! Wish it was online however. I really enjoyed any and every minute of this game. It was just awesome. Great in every aspect

Gameplay: The gameplay is sweet IMO. I really liked the dynasty mode. It was so fun. You even got to charge for certain seats, and the price of the beer! Training camp was awesome. It was the most realistic gameplay, from a football game yet, except for First Person Football on ESPN NFL

Graphics: The graphics are good. They are very similar to the ESPN football game. ESPN NFL Football does however edge this game out. Beyond that, this game has the best graphics for a football game by EA

Audio: The sounds in this game were good. Once again, they dont compare to that of ESPN NFL Footballs. The commentary in this game, IMO, was awesome. The on-feild sounds were pretty good though. I really liked it.


Overall Score: 9.0 / 10 Top Spin Tennis

Overall: This game is awesome. It is the best tennis game ever, and is arguably one of the top 20 xbox games. It is one of my favorite games, and i hate tennis!

Gameplay: Its great. It is like "pong" in a way. It takes strategy, it is fast pace, and best of all, it is smooth. I havent seen it glitch yet!

Graphics: The graphics are just AWESOME. I love them. they are clear, much like Amped 2 and other games like that. They are soo realistic. I love them.

Audio: The sound in this game is awesome. Especially Anna Kournakovas "grunt" when she hits the ball.. heh.. just had to get that in for touch. But really, the sounds are great. The ball sounds different on each turf. I love it

Suggestions: Top Spin 2....

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Fuzion Frenzy

Overall: This game is so fun to play. It seems like a little kids game. If it is, then i am a little kid i guess. I love it. Its so incredibly fun with lots of people.!

Gameplay: The gameplay is so cool. They have a million different "mini-games". Its so cool. My favorite "mini-game" is TWISTED SYSTEM. There are other awesome ones too. They are well thought out.

Graphics: The graphics are very cartoony, which they are meant to be, so its very cool. I really like them. Even throughout the games, when they get faster the graphics are smooth.

Audio: The sounds are cool, the cartoonness voices go right along with the graphics. They are so funny, we make bets over this game....

Suggestions: Fuzion Frenzy 2, only with more games.

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 NFL Fever 2003

Overall: Wow, this game is quite sad, but at its time, it was top of the line. It doesnt even compare to ESPN football. I used to love it on XBL tho.

Gameplay: The gameplay is cool, but way too easy. My friend can rush for 300 yards, and i can pass for 800... in one half.. Its quite sad actually!

Graphics: This game is terrible in graphics. The bodies are so out of porportion, its pretty sad. I cant believe i thought they were good back then

Audio: The sounds in this game were average. Doesnt come close to the sounds on ESPN FPF {first person football}. They are typical to any other football game though

Suggestions: uh... how bout change alot! and NFL fever 2004 was sad too :-

Overall Score: 7.0 / 10 Unreal Championship

Overall: This game is sweet. I love it. Its so fast paced, and online play is incredible. I love the game, and i got it as a platinum.

Gameplay: The gameplay is awesome. Its so fast paced. I love playin it with all my friends, tho i just bought it. the weapons are a so cool, and i am learning how to use them

Graphics: The graphics are pretty good, they could be a little bit better, but the gameplay totally makes up for the graphics. They are good still, but nothin like whats comin out this year

Audio: The sounds are insane. People dying, rockets fired, guns shooting, explosions, i love it. The sound is solid all the way around EXCELLENT

Suggestions: cant wait for 2

Overall Score: 9.0 / 10 MechAssault

Overall: Dang, I purchased this game, and didnt play it... Only wathced my brother play it, and they only played it cuz it was 2 player on live. It looked stupid offline, and pointless online. I mean, if u like going in circles shooting, this is the game for you.!

Gameplay: I hated this part... Just by watching. It was sad. Offline was repitition at its worst. Online, it was circular shooting, like i mentioned before. I hate it, it makes me dizzy and sick!

Graphics: The graphics aren't very good. The mechs look TIGHT though. The weapons firing look like crap. I was really disappointed. This is the last time i will take my friends word for it!

Audio: Uhh. The sounds are exactly as they seem they would be. Bangboom , ha, bam bam bam, "u suck" (opponent on live) DEAD. wow, i cant stand it, the sounds are quite annoying, but dont take away from this game

Suggestions: I dont no. I am the only one who doesnt like it, or so it seems. Just dont try to sell the next one to me :)

Overall Score: 5.0 / 10 Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge

Overall: This game is soooo fun. XBL at my friends house was tight with it. WE played almost all night and never got sick of it.

Gameplay: The single player isnt the greatest. The online is crazy!!! we never stopped playing it. (only for food and stuff) It was sweet flying those planes, even tho we sucked at it.

Graphics: The graphics are good, and smooth. The gameplay makes up for anything that is missing in the graphics. Its one of my favorites.

Audio: The sound in this game is saaweeet. The engines make the coolest noises, and the close combat noises make this game awesome. Deffinitly one of the better sounding games i've played

Suggestions: Crimson Skies 2??????

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Amped: Freestyle Snowboarding

Overall: I hate this game. I just cant stand it, the graphics, everything, i dont no why, there isnt really any huge flaw, but i just cant stand it. I guess i was spoiled, growing close to the shaun palmers series on ps2.

Gameplay: The gameplay is glitchy at times, but overall good, career mode wasnt my cup of tea, but others looved it.

Graphics: The graphics were okay. They didn't impress me, but in this sort of game, the gameplay is MUCH more important. I may not like it, because it was an early game, and i didnt switch to xbox till all the graphics were SWEEEEEET, with exeption to awesome-earlys, like halo, and the sort.

Audio: The sound in the game isnt as realistic as it could be, i really didnt like it. I felt like it was coming out of the speakers, not like i was on a mountain. BLAH!

Suggestions: CHANGE IT A BIT...

Overall Score: 5.0 / 10 Cabela's Dangerous Hunts

Overall: This game was actually not too bad, and im not even a fan of huntiong, i liked it alot however . It was a fun experience, but i dont no how long that this would last... maybe 10 hrs.

Gameplay: The game play was okay. Better than i thought it would be, it pretty cool, it reminded me a little bit of Deeer Hunter, for PC.

Graphics: Bah!!!! I thought that the graphics in this game weren't up to par. They were enough that it was still a game, but not anything to goo and gaaa over.

Audio: The sounds in this game weren't bad. The guns IMO actually sounded similar to real life. Since this is the first game of its kind ( I THINK ) it wasnt too bad

Suggestions: Good Idea, take ur time, elaborate.

Overall Score: 7.0 / 10 Conflict: Desert Storm

Overall: This game is okay. I liked a lot of things about it, but i also disliked alot of things about it. It could be fun, but i was dizzy the whole time

Gameplay: The gameplay isn't bad, it has a lot of cool features, like rescueing missions, and revival and stuff, but it could be improved. It is deffinitly an accurate story line tho

Graphics: Ahh. This is whats making me naucious and dizzy. The graphics are very clear, get choppy, and when ur guy walks, ur screen move up and down. This made me feel crappy, and i couldnt even play enough to finish the game.

Audio: The sounds in this game are okay. They are pretty good,i liked the sounds of the guns, ammunition, the rounds being fired, VERY COOL

Suggestions: When will i grow sick of this game?


Overall Score: 7.0 / 10 ESPN NFL Football 2K4

Overall: This game is tight. I love everything about it. The First Person, XBL combo is SWEEET. I didn't think I would like the first person football, but to my suprise, its one of my favorite modes in a game EVER

Gameplay: This game has the best gameplay of any football game out there.. Purely because of XBox live and first person football. The dynasty or franchise mode isnt as good as madden, but the first person football and XBL are too good to give up!!!

Graphics: The graphics in this game are great. I am thouroly satisfied with ESPN's job of graphics. Of course the 2k' dynasty had always led the way, but these graphics are AWESOME!!!

Audio: The sounds in this game are awesome. It is the best I have seen yet. The first person football is the best. You can hear your favorite players talking trash, and other cool features like that.

Suggestions: NONE... Great GAME!!!!

Overall Score: 9.0 / 10 Counter-Strike

Overall: This game is great. It is one of my favorites and i dont even own the game yet! After 20 minutes of playing this game, i was convinced that this was a top 10 game on XBOX (My top 10) The game is similar to the computer version, but different in others

Gameplay: The gameplay in this game is great. The gameplay is the best aspect of this game. It is incredible. It is fun and intense at the same time. It is a bit quicker than the PC version, which i like alot.

Graphics: This game has OKAY graphics. But it doesnt need them, because the gameplay makes up for it 100%. I wouldnt judge the game just on graphics, because the game isnt even concentrated on it. The graphics are good enough to make this game awesome.

Audio: The sounds in this game are sweeet. I love it. Ammunition firing, explosions, and other sounds make this game perfect! I love it. It sounds like you are really in battle!

Suggestions: The XBOX LIVE is awesome!!! i played it at a friends house all night, and didnt want to stop for one minute! it was awesome!

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Grand Theft Auto: Double Pack

Overall: This game is an excellent choice for any person that digs violence! There is soo many things to do, the fun never ends. It is better and much improved from the PS2 version and is one of my favorite games to date. The graphics are good, and the missions are fun

Gameplay: This game has awesome gameplay. There are tons of missions and extras, that will last you a good month or month and a half to finish. It is fun, unique, and enjoyable, for anyone. Along the way, you can pick up hookers, blow cars up, and shoot people down! The missions are fun and challenging at the same time and never get old

Graphics: The graphics in this game are good, they could be better, but this game is purely about the gameplay. Its still pretty smooth even without the best graphics. Its overall good visual wise!

Audio: The sound in this game is awesome. Screaming, Shooting, Music, Cars, and conversations are some of the sounds you'll hear. Unlike the PS2 version, you can have custom soundtracks, so when you steal a Patriot or favorite car, you can cruise down the street listening to your favorite music to go along with it.

Suggestions: Good Work, XBOX LIVE, Beter Graphics

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Halo: Combat Evolved

Overall: Hmm... Best XBOX game ever. Countless things to do, even after u play in for 3 months you can still get better. Very competitive on XBC... Still one of the most played games, 2 years after it came out! Graphics are good, weapons are good, every aspect of it is perfect. The system link play is the best of any game. Levels are unique.

Gameplay: Smooth, fun, everything you want in a game. System link is as smooth as if u were playing campaign for the most part, sometimes it feels a little jumpy when 16 people are shooting. Overall, AWESOME

Graphics: Graphics are pretty good, there are a couple of glitches here and there, but usually it as sound as can be. Nothing special, but not bad. For its time period, they were top of the line. Some parts are awesome. Like each strand of grass looks real.

Audio: The sounds are great, about average of the sound in the good games today. Sounds are smooth, they dont mess up or glitch/pause.


Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Amped 2

Overall: This game is awesome. It is the most realistic snowboarding game out there. SSX has cooler tricks but this game is full of challenges. It is 1,000,000 times better than Amped1. It is a must have for those snowboarders

Gameplay: Smooth, realistic jumps, Butters!!!!(new feature), style... gotta have style, best winter sport game i have ever played. On XBL its sweet. only thing missing is racing!

Graphics: Smooth, Crisp graphics, beats out Top Spin and other sport games... SSX edges it out, but its still awesome

Audio: Sweet sounds, sounds just like i was snowboarding. Most realistic sound i've heard in snowboarding games.CUSTOM SOUNDTRACKS so you dont have to listen to crappy songs on the game, deffinitly a +

Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

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