Average Overall Score Given: 8.75000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 3
Genma Onimusha

Gameplay: Liek I said it has a reallly great story put its gameplay made me think of a 90s game.the camrea angles screw it up.The controlls were the weirdest cause they jsut never ajusted to you spot.But intead forward is alway forward even wene your facing back
Graphics: Great,but There was alot a videos and they were just great.yet there are too many of them.But in game could be better but still good.Specialy for a port.
Audio: I was very avreage nothing special but it doesn't really leave an impresstion.It has a real japanese feel.
Suggestions: New camrea angles and more object player interaction
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: I really made me feel like I was back in a PC starwars game.With loading screens poping up soo much.also with a very stupid parts in it.But with the force skill and light saber moves it was still fine game play.I also lovedthe lock on key and Reverse button It made it very easy to get an enemy that way behind you.
Graphics: NO,this game needed work in this area.animation would go throgh walls.People looked very genaric and shodowing was horrible.This is not what the x-box was made for.
Audio: Parts good,But many just make you mad.The biggest being Qui-gon yelling at you when you go to get life or force power.And his sound in general.Also parts where you fail in a battle.Vocies get very repetive.So the vocies to me just plain sucked
But the music was amazing,truly star wars.
Suggestions: Fix lag and load screens,Spiff up the graphics.Improve ally AI.fix anmation glitches.Also I really didn't like the heath Green things I wish it was more creative.The real vocies really would have done it to.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10