Average Overall Score Given: 8.70000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 1885

Gameplay: One word short. Almost everyone can get it done in under 15 hours. The game is fun but the story is a bit corny and uses a lot of cliches. Fighting is good. Pretty much just hack and slash though, nothing too deep. The magic is pretty fun to use but wasnt my main defense. Archery was pretty pointless to me but could be fun for others. The way townfolk react to you character depending on his alignment is a great addition, sometimes funny too. My only gripe about the alignment feature is that its too easy to be completely evil and then suddenly redeem itself.
Graphics: Above average. Beautiful in some places but there was the occasional bit of pop-in or texture problems. Nothing special really to talk about besides some of the visuals for some of the magic spells which look very well done.
Audio: Like sound, nothing special. Voice acting is decent. Didnt notice much music but that could be because it wasnt too great. Sword fights sound convincing and the magic has some pretty cool sound effects.
Suggestions: Dont overhype if you know you cant meet it.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: It does feel different but its a good different. Once you get used to all the new features you will be switching out your secondary weapon and picking up dual SMG's in a matter of 2 seconds. The campaign starts out great. The last mission is great. Theres really only one section of the game that gets boring and drags on. The part where you fight the good ol' Flood as the Arbiter. It just seemed to go on and on and on. Its not NOT fun, but its definately not the high point of the game. The ending will !&%$@#* you off but once you step back and think it not that bad. Did you really believe MS was gonna let such a huge series end after only one sequel?
Graphics: Beautiful. Only problem is the switching of low res textures for high res textures. Its most noticible during cut scenes but can occasionally be seen during gameplay. I was so immersed in the game it didnt really affect me. Besides, its a small price to pay for having only one load time everytime you start up.
Audio: Best, sound, ever. I though that the music was gonna be worse than the first since there are all kinds or popular bands in it but its better than ever. The guns sound more realistic. I especially like the sound of the Magnum even if it is a lot weaker. Voice acting is perfect and there is no lame dialogue. Perfect.
Suggestions: Start planning your games out better. For those who watched the LE DVD you know what I mean.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: This is the most fun sports game I have ever played. The career starts out easy but one you get to the later tours everything gets harder. The courses are more difficult, the wind is stronger, and the computer players play better. The one thing I dont like is when playing a skins tournament you cant skip watching the computer players shots. You can fast forward it but not skip.
Graphics: The graphics are amazingly good. The grass and trees look real. Your players motions are smooth. And the cool Matrix style waves around your ball when you hit a good shot are sweet. The only thing I dont like is the water. It just doesnt look right.
Audio: The sound is OK. It sounds real when you wack the ball but the built in music isnt that great. Definately a plus that it features custom soundtracks.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is great. Every car has different handling and their own damage. While it doesn't affect your cars performance you will want to keep your car in pristine condition to get that Kudos bonus. Speaking of Kudos, the Kudos system has been refined to near perfection this time around. I don't have Xbox Live so I cant pass judgement on that aspect of the game. The ability to walk around the showroom and your garage is a great touch but I wish the look could be inverted. Oh, and the Geometry Wars mini-game is great too!
Graphics: These are some of the best graphics I have ever seen. The curves of all the cars are captured perfectly and the different race locations are immensely detailed. The only gripes I have here are that when the smoke first comes off of your spinning tires it looks a bit weird. Also, im not sure if this should be in graphics but, The 68 Camaro's grille and turn signals were rendered wrong. The turn signals in the grille were rendered as headlights and the grille is just horribly wrong.
Audio: The sound is great. Most cars have their own unique sound from the throaty V8's of the 60's muscle cars to the high pitched revs of an Italian supercar. There are a lot of built in music tracks but most I have never heard of. The ability to use your own music is a definate plus.
Suggestions: The only thing I could suggest is to put more research into the cars. By this I am refering to the incorrect rendering of the 68 Camaro. Other than that keep up the good work.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Theres plenty of modes to keep you interested... From normal point to point races to blazing through cone courses at high speeds and doing it with style. Also, the unlockable helmets and cars after you drive so many miles or for a certain amount of time keep you playing.
Graphics: At the time, PGR had some of the best graphics ever seen in a racer. The cars look very realistic and the damage looks so real you feel like you need a neck brace after hitting a wall doing 100.
Audio: Theres some good music already on it but the best thing is custom soundtrack support. Nothing like doing 140 to some AC/DC.
Suggestions: My suggestions would just be more cars and more ways to earn Kudos. But, now that PGR2 is out theres no point to this. Just keep up the good work!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is ok. Most of the missions are go here, find this, blow it up, kill this. Your teammates are pretty stupid at times. The walk into lava and are killed. The levels get repetitive. You even return to the same places a few times. Also, a couple of the missions make no sense within the story. On the plus side, the multiplayer is good. Not anything like Halo but its alright.
Graphics: The graphics are good but they are a bit blurry. Some of the characters lack detail but mostly its just above average in the graphics department.
Audio: Theres not much music and the voice acting is a bit corny. Also, the weapons soind weak. This definately needs to be improved.
Suggestions: Overall this was a huge disappointment. If you are going to delay a game over and over while hyping it up make sure your making it good.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is the same great stuff as in the PS2 and PC versions. You can go around and do pretty much whatever you want. There is a little more freedom in Vice City which allows you to buy enter more buildings and even buy some of your own. You can choose to do the missions when they pop up or put it off and get a sniper rifle to pop some heads.
Graphics: The graphics are greatly improved over the PS2 version but still there is much better on XBOX. Some of the character models are still a bit blocky but its great to actually see your character give the finger at a honking motorist instead of just shoking his fist.
Audio: I prefer the music in Vice City over 3 but the call in station in 3 is much funnier. The gun sound could be beefed up a bit though. The car sounds however are just fine.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Didn't you hear me I said buy it NOW! Oh still need convincing about gameplay? Well the story is great and so are the controls. Once you think you think you figured out the stroy, WHAM!, plot twist. Think you got it now, WHAM!, another one. My biggest problem with the gameplay is the lack of single player levels. There needs to be at least five more. The marines fighting at your side are a nice addition but if you want a stonger ally get a friend and play through the campaign on co-op. Done working together? Start up multiplayer and frag the heck outta each other! Theres plenty of game modes and you can use the editor to put your own spin on it.
Graphics: For the time the graphics were unlike anything seen on a console. When you looked down you saw grass. Not just a green patch, individual blades. The only thing I have against the graphics is the lack of anti-aliasing in some areas, especially the Warthog turret.
Audio: There isnt much music but whats there is great. Theres blood pumping rock style music when you wanna go all out on a room of covies and dark, spooky music when your creeping through doors in a dark facility (you'll understand when you buy it which you should have already done instead of reading all the way here!).
Suggestions: Keep up the good work!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The only reason I finished this game is because I paid fifty bucks for it and wanted to see the extra movie footage. Most of the missions are get from point A to point B but watch out for agents. The bullet time or "focus" was pretty cool allowing you to pull of special moves such as walking on walls, but you can pretty much get through the whole game without it. The controls were horrible. You use the left analog to do pretty much all your moving. The only thing that kept me interested was the hacking part, but even it was short lived.
Graphics: Oh my god, the visuals sucked. They were barely better that the PS2 version. And why do the characters run like they think they're not going to make it to the bathroom? The only thing I liked were the bullet trails.
Audio: I guess the sound was average. The Matrix music when your running was ok. The gun sounds were average. The sound is nothing special.
Suggestions: When you delay a game, make sure you're actually working on it to make it better, not just holding out to build hype.
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10