Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Halo 2

Gameplay: sweetass gameplay, i lov the fact that its so ez to move around, and everything is smooth an sh*t, i also love how ez it is to aim, and just overall i lov everything about the gameplay!
Graphics: the graphics on this game r like the best iv seen so far, everything is just beautiful, the master chief looks pimp in halo 2, and the textures of the surroundings r just breath taking, i giv bungie lots of credit for makeing such goodass visuals
Audio: god, i just lov the sound in this one! the soundtrack itself is amazing, but the weapons firing off and !&%$@#* is just amazing, sooo much better than the first
Suggestions: MAKE A 3RD!!!!!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: very good gameplay, except the only thing i did not like about it was the ai, it could catch up 2 u even if u left the dude like 2 miles away.
Graphics: amazing graphics, i mean i dont even know wat to say about them, perfect lighting, reflections, images of cars, it makes u feel like ur in fast and the furious!!!
Audio: if its one thing about this game that i like its definately the sound, the producers did a good job of puting in the best sound track of any game in nfs underground.
Suggestions: make the ai better and include som more cars like the 3000gt, rx8, viper, corvette, and mustang, but thats about it
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: awesome gameplay, so much dialogue, very cool missions, chars from the first deus ex!!!!! so much more to do in this one, all these different organizations an crap its the !&%$@#* !!! really nice game!!!
Graphics: some of the best graphics ive seen on the xbox so far, perfect character graphics, envoiranmental, hell the whole thing rocks, if u wanta game with good visuals this or unreal 2 is the one!
Audio: pretty good sound, i dont really care much for sound, cuz i play all my games on the big screen, the hometheater thigny takes care of it, but hey sound is good, so many diferent voices, different expressions, and the music rules!!!
Suggestions: make a 3rd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10