Total Reviews: 8
Average Overall Score Given: 8.62500 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 333

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell

Overall: The game is good, I mean that in a nice way. I was a little disappointed after reading all of the above reviews... so many perfect 5's made me have high standards... This game is good but not great by any means... I dig it because it is a sneaker rather than a kill all... Halo is still #1, Hitman 2 is better than this, and Timesplitters 2 is just as good as this,,, that is the only way I can try to put it.

Gameplay: Game play is relatively good, minor glitching, I experienced a few times where the player would not get up from a crouch but this was rare... camera angles are good and I felt good control overall, kudos.

Graphics: Now this was a mild let down,,, so many perfect 5's I was ready to be blown away,,, this was not a visual 5 I cannot understand how someone would put 5... I wonder if people just get too hyped or what. Why is this game so dark.... so many Xbox games are dark with little ambient lighting...

Audio: Sound was the biggest let down,,, I mean as a sneaker this game should have nerve racking sound, Thief 2 is an awesome example of what should be done... god honestly Thief 2 was a better sneaker than this... I almost passed out playing that game from nervousness.

Suggestions: Solid first effort,,, I look forward to the online content, I hope for a sequel by next year, please give us a little more light, better visuals and better sound,,, more levels never hurt either... maybe an expansion pack?

Overall Score: 5.0 / 10 James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire

Overall: Its a FPS!!!!!!!! I really love the genre and though the controls are no where as comfortable as Halo I must say that it is so darn enjoyable to have my hands on a new FPS game.

Gameplay: Gameplay is good lots of gadgets controls are smooth but there is a little bit of a learning curve. It has BOTS in multiplayer!!!!!! That is tight. You have driving missions!!!

Graphics: Nice, but port..... I really do not have much to say here other than I really wish that EA would make a Xbox exclusive FPS title in the near future.

Audio: Bond musical chime get tiring.... where is that option to play my own music,, would have been nice for multiplayer occasions.

Suggestions: EA - seriously,,,, please make some newer games and fast, I like the ports, but none of your releases has even come close to truely testing the capabilities of the Xbox.

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Blood Omen 2

Overall: This game rocks,,, I was off in my initial apeal rating, I really enjoy playing this game. Thrid person action adventure games are growing on me though I still favor first person shooters.

Gameplay: I liked it, it played well moved well, those long jump kills never get boring... I they could have done a lot worse, but sure there is room for improvement.

Graphics: Geeeeeeez some of you guys are acting silly by say how powerful the Xbox is and $hit. This game does not look bad at all, yes the Xbox is powerful, but you should not slam a game because the developers did an overall good job.

Audio: Good stuff, though the voice acting was a little hard to hear,,,, it sometimes gets drowned out by the ambient noise.

Suggestions: where are the hot chicks to seduce.... You needed more charcter models... I get tired of seeing the same 5 characters in the streets.

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2x

Overall: The game is awesome, it is a compliation of the greatest hits of the TONY HAWK series. I really love the fact that this game has all of the previous installments and several really nice additions specifically for the Xbox.

Gameplay: The game plays so smooth,,,, there is no slow down that I have noticed. The levels are big and have nice detail, it seems like you can grind almost anythig and there are enough levels and skaters to keep you very busy for a long while. I like the way that the goals are set-up the difficult increases from level to level forcing you to become a better

There were a few particular tasks in certain levels that I found annoying and over burrdening, but overall the game was a blast.

There is even a park editor to add more replay value to this game,,, I could play for days,,, and I have lol.

The other part I love is the multiplayer games, I have been kicking my little sisters but quite reguarly, but she is practicing and soon I fear I will be on the recieving end,,, luckily for me I just got THPS3 and she will have to go through that learning curve again.

Graphics: Graphics are nice, there is a cool blur thing that happens when you have completed several difficult moves, this signifies that you have power to do a special move. Blades of grass are presented in nice detail, I like the wooden ramps, they do not look fake like on the PS.

Audio: Great, glad to see someone knows how to add the option to allow us to play our own music from the hard drive. The original soundtrack is dope tho~ I mean there is Gorillaz, Greenday, Rage Against the Machine and others. Very nice.

Overall Score: 9.0 / 10 Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3

Overall: The game is rock solid, tried and true, the best extreme sport title ever. Not only does it look georgous it plays smooth and it packed with features. This game offers tons of replay value and I just cannot say enough about this game.... BUY IT!!!

Gameplay: It is Tony Hawk baby, and better than ever, I do not feel like this is a rehash at all, and if you are thinking,,, "well I have THPS2X and I don't really feel that THPS3 will be much different," you are totally wrong.

The graphics are better, the levels are more interactive, the player models are more customizable, and the physics model is more realistic.

Graphics: Very very nice..... the player models and the levels are very nicely detailed.... I love the detail on the railings, role up to one and look closely at one,,,, there is like scratches and stuff... I also like some of the funny stuff included in the game like the guy pissing off of the side of the ramp in Canada... hehe you can see the steam coming off his stream of urine,,, nice touch ;)

Audio: Awesome, nice sound track and the option to play those ripped songs from your HD,,,,, this feature should be standard on all Xbox games but until it is I will keep giving props to those that include it.

Suggestions: Guys please give me more decks to choose from,,, I love the board art, but you were stingy with the decks this time around. Make THPS4 have more levels and bring some more popular artists to your soundtrack, like greenday, gorillaz, and others..... Overall keep it up, amn I love this game....

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Wreckless: The Yakuza Mission

Overall: The game probably has the best graphics of any console racing game ever made. It is almost photo-realistic, very nice. Too darn easy and too darn short, and there were a couple really annoying parts of the game.

The game play is quick and as the title suggests, "wreckless" losts of crashing and banging, close call with pedestrians. Really action packed.

Gameplay: People will love it for its high pressure task based racing. But there are more than a few plaws in game play.

Some missions, well most missions are lame, and just do not make sense, there are better ways to handle a dump-truck loaded with explosives. Other missions have been said to be too hard by my fellow addicts.... I found a couple frusterating points, but nothing I would dub hard. Just annoying really.

There simple are not enough cars and the cars that are there sometimes handle wildly.

Graphics: Awesome, no complaints, it really is a show-peice for the Xbox's capabilities. I am almost temped to keep it just to show off to people, but I am a realist, and I am short on doe, so Wreckless must go... I will trade it on THPS3.

Audio: A little rough, and I have to say that there was some poor voice acting, I mean I could have made the game seem more exciting with my voice acting.

Where the heck is the ability to play your own music? This really should be a standard feature on all Xbox games.

Suggestions: Please make another racing game, maybe not a sequel, but do not stop, keep it up, this was a solid effort. PLEASE be sure to put replay controls like pause rewind fast forward, and the ability to play music from the Xbox hard drive.

Overall Score: 6.0 / 10 Project Gotham Racing

Overall: Racing fast cars in real cities who could ask for more? Well I could, where is the traffic? And the cops? And the pedestrians? Overall the realism , the great game design and the nice selection of cars makes Project Gotham Racing still highly appealing.

Gameplay: This game plays awesome.... I have to say it is frusterating at times, but it is not overly hard or overly easy. It take time and practice but when you complete a goal you feel like you have accomplished something. The cars each have an individual feel, I do not know if the feel is accurate because I have never drive any of those cars in real life. But I know what a FWD vs. and AWD, vs. at RWD car drives like and it seems to me like they have done a great job making these cars drive and handle like the real deal holyfield.

The Arcade Race is a personal favorite and a personal pain... there have been some moments when I have almost thrown my controller out of the wondow, but there have been many more moments of me sitting and smiling teary eyed watching my flawless gold medal replays over and over.

The AI is tough, they can be down right mean. There are times when they seem to be waiting for you,,, almost letting you catch up to them then they speed up, or worse you get by them only to have them put you in the guard rail at the next corner. I love it, the AI makes this game playable for me, I think they have done a sweet job here.

Graphics: This game is gorgeous. There are a few gripes such as the fake trees and the cardboard looking buildings, but overall this is the cleanest racer to ever grace a living room television set. And if you are thinking that GT3 is prettier, I disagree I find GT3 grainy on my big screen.

Audio: Awesome.... I love the radio stations, I love the announcers I love how they fade in and out when passing under an over hang or a bridge. I love the sound track, there is a braod array of music and it is all pretty darn good. I especially love how I can play Greenday off of my Xbox hard drive as I pound the asphalt. Basically when it comes down to sound,,,, it is a love-fest.

Suggestions: Traffic, Cops, more race options and some kind off class racing similar to the Gran Tourismo series.

This is a big one.... Different rims and paint jobs.... I am a car tuner in real life,,, I love to slam a car and put some phat rims on it... I wish I could put some 18" BBS's on my little Mini Cooper... that would look sweet hehe~

Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

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