Average Overall Score Given: 9.60000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 233
Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball

Gameplay: Although I am a bit dissapointed in that there isn't more minigames, I find the gameplay to be truly unique and fresh. I give TN kudos for it.
Graphics: Perfect. These guys really know their stuff. No other game comes close to the visuals in DOA:XBV. This is a perfect score. The beginning movie with Zack is the BEST! These guys are so clever when doing cut scenes. They need to do more. They need to do a game like Shenmue. I'm sure they would blow away anything Shenmue now offers.
Audio: Excellent...I mean EXCELLENT sound. The soundtrack that comes with the game is fantastic. It perfectly matches the game's setting. I love the tunes and for once find myself listening to the tunes that came with the game instead of using my custom soundtrack.
Suggestions: Definitely more minigames. A lot more. It would make this game outstanding. And have some sort of free roaming mode so I can walk my girl around the beach. :)
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game is platforming bliss. Very well done. A lot to do, collect, and different modes of play. The two player mode is very well done.
Graphics: Very crisp and clear graphics. Funny characters and good animation. The water is well done. I love the animations of your characters. Especially when Earl is running at hyper speed. Hilarious stuff.
Audio: Good stuff here. Many different voices all happening at once. Good voice acting as well. The music is fun and well done. The rhythem games are a blast! The best ever!
Suggestions: Make another and don't skimp on anything. Great work guys!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: I would of given it a 5 if it wasn't for a lack of create a rider ability. In this game you have to choose one of the riders that the game gives you. In this time of extreme sports there is no excuse for leaving this feature out. But otherwise everything else you'd expect from a extreme sports game is in there.
Graphics: The game looks fine. The animations of the tricks and falls are well done. The level though seem a bit flat at times. In some areas of the level you have wonderful lighting and bump mapping, while other parts just look plain and boring. It's a mix bag that seems akward at times.
Audio: I for one love the soundtrack that comes with the game. But we xboxers shouldn't need to worry about that since we have our beloved harddrive where we can play our own tunes. This is something that has really changed gaming and I believe every game should have this.
Suggestions: Create a rider and bike. Plus do something with the park editor. It is way too frustrating to use. Make the area of the park MUCH bigger plus allows us to put in our own objectives so that we can use our own park for someone else to try and complete. Allow us to place letters around the park for someone to collect, or set objectives like performing a specific trick on certain areas or what not.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: There is a path up ahead that rounds to the left. You start toward it...then hear a dinosaur roar that shakes the room. Hmmm, do I really want to continue on this course?
This is just one of the many immersive aspects of this great game. How about shooting someone with a poison arrow which makes him drop to his knees and puke like mad. Or how about throwing out a dark cube object which bursts in a large ball of white light and sucks enemies into it and distorts the landscape around it. There are plenty more but this is just the early parts of the game. It gets much better!
The satisfaction of shooting off different types of weapons and seeing their effects, from out of the barrel to what they do to the enemy, is essential to any FPS. It has to be done right. Well, I can safely say that Turok has done it right and then some! The game is fast, exciting, and clever. All of what a great FPS should be.
Now some people will complain about the story. Well, most FPS have terrible storylines anyway so that isn't something that concerns me. The enemy AI is a little suspect in some areas but on the whole it is effective and very challenging. That's all that matters anyway, right?
I never had as much fun playing a FPS than I've had with Turok. It's just a great, exciting FPS experience.
Graphics: The designs of the enemies are really well done. The weapons look fantastic. The buildings look great. The only problem with the visuals, that was stated in earlier reviews, is some of the plant life. If you hit the outer area of a level and run into plants your screen will fill up with 2D images of plants and it will make it difficult to know where you are. Other than that everything looks great.
Audio: The music, weapon fire, and enemy voices are very well done. They really immerse you into the environment.
Suggestions: Make system link or online play available. Have difficulty settings for the game itself. Other than that make more of this terrific game.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game will never get old because you can truely live out one of your favourite fantasy characters in a live and populated world.
Graphics: At times when it rains, just stand still and listen and watch the rain hit the water. It is very tranquile and the best water effects than in any game ever!
Audio: The sound is done well but I would like to hear more environment sounds. More talking when you enter a room with 4 or 5 people in it.
Suggestions: I would probably like to see something done about the combat. Maybe have a lock on targeting system. The one thing that I definitely want to see are more puzzles/riddles in dungeons and such.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10