Average Overall Score Given: 7.75000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 2946
The Simpsons Road Rage

Gameplay: You pretty much drive around Springfield picking up various Simpsons characters. When you earn enough points you can unlock other cars and levels. Pretty simple but pretty entertaining as well.
Graphics: The game loses points here. It wasn't very pretty to look at. In addition some of the characters seemed poorly animated.
Audio: Loses major points here. Many times when you drop off a passenger they don't start talking until you have left with another passenger. Small things like that really bug me.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: There were plenty of weapons to shoot at baddies with. But the variety of baddies wasn't that great. The worlds seemed to be rather cliche.
Graphics: Very nice looking. The worlds had a few nice details. The chicks were nice to look at from the back.
Audio: The music suited the situation in the game. Some of the things the Brute Force team said was pretty generic.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: Perfect controls. Excellently set up for the Xbox. Halo sets the standard for all future Xbox games.
Graphics: Beatiful! Flows very smoothly, very little lag. All Xbox games should follow Halo's visual example.
Audio: Cortana got a little irrating after a while. The music usually suited the situation very well. Its always fun to run up and hit a Grunt, just to hear them squeal.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: As stated above, the controls were just to akward for me to continue playing or get very far in the game.
Graphics: Decent visuals, nothing fancy. What few levels I did play were very generic and the building all looked eirriely similar.
Audio: The music was pretty basic. The voice in the tutiorial was very grating on the nerves. And Spiderman's voice seemed forced.
Suggestions: Please improve the controls.
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10