Average Overall Score Given: 8.50000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 187
Blood Wake

Gameplay: Your regular xbox controller layout, accelerate and stop with the triggers and shoot and do other stuff with the other buttons. The boat feels ok when steering. But the the waves crashing into the boat you feel too and it's cool!
Graphics: The water effects are super awesome, the boats are ok but could have more detail and they should do more boats....
Audio: Average. Nothing outstanding, that's pretty much all I have to say about that aspect of the game...they should have retouched it before.
Suggestions: Make it better....
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

Gameplay: The control scheme is pretty responsive and confortable. Moving around is easy, turning around is quick, mostly all the good things of a good fps.
Graphics: The graphics are OK, they are not bad but they could be better. I am still waiting for a game to beat Halo. They should have improved the shades, and more detail on the surroundings. But they are pretty cool.
Audio: The sound is all right not so good not so bad, some repeated sounds but nothing to worry about, the guns and all sounds unique. You can hear The nazis talking and all.
Suggestions: They should improve the graphics...that's all!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: It's only ok....Jack moves too weirdly, and the guns need more detail, the graphics really suck..they should work on that,
Graphics: The graphics suck big time, this is not a XBOX game, this should have been a Dreamcast game..not even the fmv sequences are any good they are ugly, I was disappointed when playing this game, because of the graphics...The stripper looks gross...
Audio: it's allright, the bullets sound kool, but the voice acting is terrible, they paid bums to do that..
Suggestions: Make a completely different game.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: Ryo to me moves pretty slowly, and runs pretty uncontrollaby also.They should unthighten the game controls and make then looser... You talk to people and do some other stuff by pressing Y I think. The layout is pretty decent.
Graphics: The visuals are not the best part of the game. They are pretty crisp and detailed. But they are still too dreamcastmish...Many excellent cgs, and movies.
Audio: It's stopendous, The 5.1 dolby really helps in this kind of game! I loved it! You can hear the people talking and sometimes you even look back to see if somebody is there(with 5.1 speakers)
Suggestions: To make the game load faster and to make the best sequel ever!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10