Average Overall Score Given: 7.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Fuzion Frenzy

Gameplay: Kinda varies depending on if you have 4 players or not.... I'd give it a 5 with 4 players, but with only one player, a 2...
Graphics: Nice graphics. Very smooth gameplay, nice explosions and such.
Audio: Music? Boring if I can even remember any...
We need a taunt button...
Suggestions: Hmm... unlockables... an even harder mode, hard is still too easy. Way too many of the repetitive games. Seems like there are about 5 game ideas floating about and used 10 different ways...
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Some people say that you should play it on the hardest difficulty... note: I have not done this, so my views may be biased...
Gameplay: The game play is 'ok'. All the characters have their own special abilities which make it cool. But, the game play gets old real fast. You end up using one character the whole time. Then when that one dies, you switch to the next, and play until that one dies...
There is no plot at all practically if any a paper thin one... you seem to just go around doing different things killing people pointlessly...
Graphics: Best part. This is the only reason why anyone would buy this game. The graphics are great and the blood looks really good. Also when your character is about to die, the vision turns all blury which is great and realistic. Explosions are great. Gas WAS until I turned the camera and saw it was just a plane... :( The grass looks great from low level, but birds eye view, eh... I know its a common trick and I'm not trying to complain about it... just saying it was kinda annoying lol
Audio: Meh, stupid taunts. Nice sound effects though.
Suggestions: Do us all a favor and don't make a sequel.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: There are way too many moves for one controller to handle. I press up+Y and it usualy does about 1 out of 4 different grinds, whichever it feels like doing at the time... there are simply WAY too many moves for this game. You end up doing challenges again and again and again, it's plainly just not fun. The free skate is great though, but gets boring relativly fast, within 10 minutes I find myself comming back to the PC...
Graphics: GREAT! Best part of the game. Great graphics, smooth gameplay and great depth on character creation.
Audio: Awesome. Most of the songs are just right for this type of game. Good sound effects, sounds like a skateboard does I guess...
Suggestions: and RPG type game. start off really crappy and have to pay for LESSONS instead of buying tricks. you shouldnt just be able to pay money to learn stuff, this isn't the matrix... make the controls a little better, I keep pressing the same buttons but somehow get different moves... hows this possible? and yes, I've played all 4 tony hawks, and these controls are the worst.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: The combat system takes a bit of getting used to, but after that, it's all great fun. I don't play that many RPG's so maybe I'm just a noob at the combat system? But it is quite easy and fun once you get used to it. You get a large amount of force powers and lots of different moves. Just more ways to bash your enemies.
Graphics: Wow! This game looks great visually. I love everything about it. Especially the grass on dantooine. It's actually 3d grass! Not just on a flat plane with clearness around it that tuns with the camera... it's great! Nice textures on everything and nice animations and models. Everything about it is great.
Audio: Ho-lie crap! EVERY line in the game is spoken, even if it's alien language. Even though there are captions too, (you can turn them off) every single line is spoken. The sound effects and force sounds sound great too.
Suggestions: Make a sequal!! This game was awesome!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Meh, its the worst part... Your players move so unrealistically slow. It's just really annoying. When you switch to an AI player for some reason your player turns back a lot, the opposite direction he was running... I still havent figured out why... also you could play by only selecting the plays and let the computer do the rest... your players run on their own which is SO annoying, and you have a hard time getting control of them... it's pretty annoying.
Graphics: Cmon... for a game with these small of a level, the graphics could be better... the animations suck. The collisions are horrible. I see the ball go through the ground all the time... also elbows and knees go through too. Cmon guys...
Audio: OYE! The title screen is so annoying. The announcers dont shut up on it. The music is also pretty annoying there too. Otherwise I guess stuff is pretty much fine.
Suggestions: Don't make NFL Fever 2004!
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10