Average Overall Score Given: 9.25000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 475

Gameplay: The gameplay is great. There are many types of weapons such as a M60, 44 special, minigun, and a rocket launcher just to name a few. Being a guy who doesn't really play alot of single player, the single-player of XIII is really something special. There is a great story that leads you on as if you're in a movie. The story really reminds me of the movie "Paycheck." The levels are pretty well-sized with alot of places to explore. Not only does XIII have an outstanding single-player, but the online multiplayer is also breathtaking. The maps and variety of guns is definetly a change of pace from games like RTCW, Counter-Strike, and Ghost Recon. I'm estimating there's about 10-12 different maps and the gametypes include ctf, deathmatch, team deathmatch, ladder (?), and sabotage (?). As you run around the maps, there's always an abundance of weapons, vest/helmets, health packs, and ammo scattered in little different areas. Something I didn't really understand is the amount of people that it allows in a game. It allows anywhere from 4-8 players with the average map allowing 6 players. Only about 3 maps allow 8 players. I guess it may be because alot of the maps aren't big enough to support 16 or so players like other games.
Graphics: I can't find enough words to describe the beauty of this game. When I first found out I had won it in the XBL Holiday Giveaway, I was happy that I actually won something on the last day, but I was thinking, "Dam, I won that sorry comic book shooter game." I now regret ever thinking that. I had preferred Counter-Strike but I was stuck with XIII. Well after renting Counter-Strike I've found it doesn't even measure up to the greatness of XIII. But it does have more support because of it's name. ANYWAYS... The cell-shaded maps of XIII are simply beautiful!!! It brings an "arcady" feel to the game. I know most people won't even bother messing around with a cell-shaded game, but XIII is definetly worth it.
Audio: The sound is average. Nothing really all that special. I like in the single-player, when you're going on a shooting rampage or just doing one of the more "action-packed" parts of the level, it gives you the catchy music. Then once you pass the part, of course the music stops. The voice-acting is well-done also.
Suggestions: If you make a sequel, be sure to include guest support and downloadable content.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay for the most part is fine except a few little pet-peeves. For example, say you're on defense and the ball is stripped. The computer scoops it up for you so fast that you may still be pressing buttons. What usually happens to me is I'll still be pressing "X" without having enough time to react and my player ends up heaving a cross-court shot. It's one of those annoying stat-busters. Another little pet peeve is the iso. It seems that several times in one game, without even touching the left joystick, your player goes into friggin iso. Then no matter what button you press, who you pass it to, they keep doing the gay iso. I usually go crazy on the controller pressin every button except "X" (shoot), until it goes away. It's just really annoying.
One more thing is the defensive AI. I play on allstar and it's so dam easy to just run full-speed down the court, run half-way around a guy, and force your way into a layup or to the foul-line. It's like the sorriest defense you've ever seen. But like one in every 4 times your shot ends up getting blocked. It's still sorry defense though.
Graphics: The visuals are superb. It makes NBA Live look like sh!t. Every player looks like the real thing. Yao Ming looks like Yao Ming (compared to the downloadable Yao for NBA 2K3), Ron Artest looks like Ron Artest, Lebron James looks like Lebron James... it's great. The courts are accurate and well modeled too.
Audio: It's about time. They finally got some real music for the menus. They got some kinda rap and it's really addicting. One of the songs goes something like this... "I told you once, I told you twice, That my jay is nice, so RESPECT MY GAME." There's alot of songs to choose from but only like 3 or 4 play regularly. You can always edit your jukebox though. They probably got some tips from the guys at EA Sports because that ESPN tune from last year's NBA 2K3 really wasn't cuttin it. The court sounds are good too. Announcing is average, nothing extremely special. Two thumbs up for the sound!!!
Suggestions: Tweak some of the gameplay things but other than that, keep up the good work. Oh yea, Jermaine O'Neal should be rated higher than an 89. Elton Brand is an 89 and he isn't as good as Jermaine. Come on, he deserves at least a 92.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: ESPN Football has added two new features this year. "First Person Mode" and "Cribs." I don't really care for either one, but less-serious football gamers might find it a treat. I'm sure all the NFL 2K3 gamers from last year still have nightmares in their heads of receivers constantly dropping balls if they're hit even within 2 seconds of catching the ball. It was ridiculous. Sega has solved this problem and receivers are MUCH more dependable in this years game. Although the receiving has been fixed, another problem has aroused with this years game. Running backs break a substantial amount of tackles. My league team is the Atlanta Falcons and little Warrick Dunn is a beast at breaking tackles. There's also "super backs" in this game such as Ricky Williams and Stephen Davis. They are almost unstoppable.
Another thing that has been fixed this year is the play-selection screen. All those times last year when friends would come over and we could just straight look at each other's plays. No more of that. Poof it's gone. This year ESPN Football ahs taken the madden approach for the play selection screen. You get 3 plays up on your screen and you press the button of the corresponding play. It did take some getting used to for old NFL 2K3 players, but you should get it after a few games.
Graphics: Graphics are phenominal. You don't get the droned-out look of players like Madden has. Quincy Carter really looks like Quincy Carter and Roy Williams really looks like Roy Williams. I dunno how they did it, but it's amazing how accurate they did the faces. Another thing if you ever use replay, you can actually see things up close. I was expecting to see the defender stare straight into the sky when defending a pass... but you can tell that his eyes actually lock onto the ball and follow it. Phenominal! I could only imagine what it would be like years from now.
Audio: ESPN Football has the best announcers of all the football games. They're are so many variations of comments by the announcers, it never seems to get old.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Multiplayer on xboxlive was the funnest thing ever. At times during the summer I would dread going out to football practice because it meant I had to stop playin RTCW. Beach Invasion has to be the most funnest multiplayer level in a shooter game that I have ever played. It even beats out the Embassy from Ghost Recon. And if you're not the really serious gamer (like me) you will have the time of your life being on axis and blowing up the allied soldiers with a panzer as they come running into the base. The laughs never go away with that one. Another good level to try out is Barn. Barn just has alot of little cracks and crevices to hide in, giving the level an "eerie" feeling.
Graphics: Im no expert developer or hardcore graphic analyzer but I do know good graphics when I see them. RTCW has crystal clear graphics. Can't ask for anything better unless you're one of those people that can never be satisfied.
Audio: The sound is great. Ummm... yea it's pretty good. The machinbe gun turrets could sound a little better on Beach Invasion but that's nothing to get your pannies in a bunch about.
Suggestions: Keep up the good work. Get us a sequel out and make some more great multiplayer levels.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10