Average Overall Score Given: 5.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2

Gameplay: I like the trick combinations that are possible in Dave Mirra 2. Theres an endless supply of them! The only bad thing I can think of is that the controls are sometimes very sloppy and unresponsive.
Graphics: The graphics in this game aren't that bad but they aren't something to brag about either. Its clear enough though to get around.
Audio: The sound in this game is very realistic. The songs are pretty good also.The game could probably have better songs.
Suggestions: You should make the challenges a little easier and have the controls be more responsive.
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is where the game really fails. The controls aare really sloppy and since ther are no fighting combos the fights seem to turn out to be button-mashing. The levels seem to lead you along a path instead of just letting you go were you want. the levels seem to be unplanned and boring.The focus feature is kinda cool though.
Graphics: The in-game graphics aren't bad but the cut-scenes could use an overhaul. The graphics are probably the best part of the game but they're still nothing to brag about.
Audio: The sound is O.K. I guess. It's nothing special of anything, but it's not to bad.I guess can't say anthing else.
Suggestions: Make the game more like the movie; think of some better controls; give it more of a 3D feel; and answer my question "Why did you maake this game suck so bad?"
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10