Average Overall Score Given: 9.37500 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 698

This is best described as part Final Fantasy, Grandia II, & Halo's Mature Rated Blood & shooting. OK. So it's in a league of it's own; but it suprisingly does it all transitionally well too! All around great GAME, you can call it RPG, ACTION, & Shooter all at the same time if you wanted to!
Gameplay: You control a team brought together by fate & the story is slowly forwarded until you get to a twisted ending!
Battles are exciting, with bright fast colors & everything is working well! I'm surprised with the AI, NPC Intelligence, & also the citizens all around the globe!
Graphics: Bright & visual. Absolutely no Hiccup & bugs. Good all around. Color & lighting is great but it's a little low on the reflection Mapping & Bump Mapping. But good for it's own worth! It's all set in a good tone!
Audio: Best. Sound. Ever. I still can't get over how amazingly cool this sound is.
If you have 5.1 you may pull a me:
I was playing the other day when I stopped at the market & thought someone was outside my door screaming while the birds were chirping, but nope! It's in game sound! It's the bomb!
The battles are rich with explosions & weapons noises & Blasts from guns. Simply Great! 8 thumbs up!
Suggestions: Great job. I like the story. Sound is amazing, you should patent it; but let other developers know how you did it!
To see water in "Morrowind" Form would have been cool. I guess the graphics were because you started making this game a while ago.
No complaints but I want to see what you guys come up with next.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

I'd actually give it an 8.9
Gameplay: You're Tanner, the cop gone Driver; again.
Only this time, better graphics, you can steal cars and swim.
More of a Sandbox.
You'll buy this if you got Driver one and two. You'll like it if you got one & 2. Chances of you loving it are so-so. I like it a lot, but there are so many things that are frustrating, It could have been much better!
Graphics: Very itchy. Bugs all over the place! Frame rate is at 30 fps. I'm not positive but that's how it looks. Is this Normal Mapped - Optimized for PS2!? It's still alright though. Sure as heck ain't no Morrowind or Deus Ex...
I'd think it to be better than this but high five cables to plug it in and it only looks this good! Is this Xbox or what?!
7 for Descent, 1 for huge, zero for water and zero for bump mapping.
Audio: The sounds are good but I was pretty fired up about the Dobly Digital that it said on the package. Now, there's a HUGE plus when you get a game that supports 5.1, but I didn't really hear it the way I normally hear it (i.e.)- Halo, Brute Force, Ninja Gaiden, Morrowind -
In fact I even double checked the box to see if it was Dolby Pro Logic instead of Digital but nope, it's digital. I don't know how... Oh well, I didn't program it.
7 for the songs and Jukebox. Zero for worst surround sound ever.
Suggestions: BUGS! I forgot my Off! bug spray.
Is it possible to make one for PC and port it to PS2 instead of porting it from that old machine? I mean, why!?
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: A giant sandbox that allows us to do whatever we feel, at any time. Get thrown into the role of allowing us to be the reckless abaddons, we've always wanted to be.
Graphics: Simply horrid. I've since put away my PS2 counterpart and haven't played this game in quite some time. Even though the Xbox version is better, this game is ancient compared to current beloved Xbox Faves.
Audio: Decent presentation of Dolby 5.1 and addition of custom soundtracks. I'd say it's the best addition to the seris.
Suggestions: WHy not do anything different. This game is older than Dinosaurs. I should have bought True Crime. I'm mad.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Hands down, this game has outlasted any game on my shelf and outperformed all of them.
Still, here I am, so many months setting eyes on the glistening armor of our faithful Master Chief, and I still play it more than any other game that I own. For all systems.
I still impress my PS2 friends with its stunning graphics and it's stellar gameplay. The bonus's for beating it on certain levels is way cool. Multi-player through a LAN is AMAZING!
Brute Force is going to rock. No doubt. But the immersion in HALO is so great that I look more forward to playing HALO 2 in 2004, than I am playing Brute Force this month. (May. If it ever gets here.)
The reason?
I was so immersed in HALO that I now have a beef to pick with those covenant bastards for what they have done to Earth. & that guilty spark feller is GOING to get his !&%$@#* kicked!!!!
Gameplay: Totally submerged in the immersive gameplay! Game is so impressive that I still play it religiously!
Graphics: Stunning. Bump mapping. Physics. Water. Light. You name it, you WILL be impressed. I still am impressed after all of this time!
Audio: The 5.1 Dolby Digital surround is simply amazing. "I hear something behind me! Shit! there he is!" And the musical scores match the emotion you feel in the midst of the gameplay. Sweet on the sound.
Suggestions: Keep up the good work. Make sure HALO 2 is what you say it's going to be. I think it will. Especially after reading your preview in OXM. Wow. I walked around in a day dream. Its going to be so cool. I can hardly wait, but take all the time you need. I know you use it wisely!
Thanks for this great game on the
X-box. You guys rock!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Amazingly realistic hockey simulation that contains the most entertaining hockey experience. If I go home for lunch, I turn this on for another game of whooping some computer butt! Two player games are quite simply along the same lines! The best hockey experience. Unless Microsoft blows us all away, this is THE BEST HOCKEY GAME! PERIOD.
Graphics: Quite simply, these are the greatest player models I've yet seen in a hockey game. When I saw Big Mac and the Praying Mantis on the Blues, I was like, "Oh, My God! It's Pronger! All the players display amazing detail and sport great movements. BEAUTIFUL! Maybe give the crowd a little more detail. Crowd looks great though. Awesome lighting.
Audio: WOw! The Commentary is second to none. How amazing of a job they have done. The crowd is amazingly reactive and the rink announcer is hillarious! All this is simply amazing, but why no 5.1 support? It's perplexing! But still an outstanding job. It gets me in the spirit and has me going around, saying, "Eh."
Suggestions: Support it all! I have 5.1 and love the games that support it. I still love your game! Maybe a little too much... But if I could've heard the crowd bang on the glass in true 5.1, i'd have probably crapped my pants already!
Continue to blow away your previous year, and I'll be stuck to you like glue, or something.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Cheezy storyline, but you get used to it. Better than most games' plotline.
Gameplay: Run down the hall, kill Nazis. Run down the corridor, kill Zombies. Go to the base, kill Uber Soldat, and some wierd dog things... All in all, it is fun and they mix it up with a bunch of cool guns and the blood affects are an added treat!
Rather redundant, "flip the switch now. Ok. You can go through the door now. Finding treasure is cool though too!
Graphics: All in all, this is a very good looking game. It could have been much better though. This is the only area I was even slightly displeased with. Like the grass and stuff is just a blurry mixture of green and brown. I mean come on! Make some d^mn grass, would ya!
Also, almost absolutely no bump-mapping at all. A big upset. I was expecting to see some jaw dropping visuals but was unsattisfied. They got 'Shiny' down, but they left out 'bumpy.'
Audio: In a world where you have to wonder why all company's don't do 5.1 dolby surround, you become very excited when theres a Nazi somewhere and you can pin point him just by listening. All games have to utilize the Fiber optic out that our Xboxes support. The world would be a better place.
Two thumbs up!
Suggestions: I know that you guys are capable of it. Make some better water and terrain. How about some killer bump-mapping? Why didn't you do it?
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Think about it. A true spy doesn't carry around 15 different weapons like Snake does. And theres actually a storyline here! Take a lesson you Wierd Japanese Game Creator! To infiltrate a base is to actually do it! Oh yeah, and you don't have to have each hallway download before you can see it. But this game on HDTV and 5.1 is simply: amazing. I so dig it. I feel like I'm Sam Fisher! I love the way this game sucks you in!
Gameplay: Take the role of an American Superspy and help protect our Freedom's and rights as American Citizens at all costs. If you're caught you are disowned by the American government! So intense and it will keep you involved throughout the whole game. So many twists and changes also keep you intrigued and have you going.
Graphics: From real-time shadows to extremely detailed environments. Including even magazines laying on tables! No two guards are the same, and the movements on our Sam Fisher are simply amazing! I love the textures!
Audio: 5.1! nuff said! But all of the sounds were super fantastic! I think everything was great. Even the guards are all humming different tunes, and wistling, and the boot clocks that Sam has on all the different floor materials. Beautiful!
Suggestions: Make a Sequel!! But take your time!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Awsome. Best. New. Game. ever... Or just one hell of a gem! This thing shines. Let me tell you. Very innovative! I love it already. You know after the first few minutes of playing a game as to whether or not it's going to kick @$$ or not, and this one ROCKS! I had to stop playing it because I'm at work now, but I cannot wait to get off and see more of it. Be any of the four members of the team! WAY COOL!
Graphics: This is luscious eye candy. Any person who appreciates the Xbox-quality caliber of graphics will definately appreciate this game with a deep passion. It displays all of the bells and whistles needed to make us awe-struck. All the fancy "bump-mapped" and "shiny" included. The CG movies are an even bigger boast!
Audio: The 5.1 Dolby Digital Surround is always an immense plus! But the sound effects make you feel like your in the middle of a futuristic battle zone. I love the scores of music too. Way cool They made one hell of a game!
Suggestions: Next time keep it under the wraps so I'm not itchin' for the dang thing for over a whole year! Thats the only thing I have against you guys. The game itself is GREAT! But if you guys are making any more, don't let us know until AT MOST, theres 8 months till the release date.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10