MEMBER PROFILE FOR iamnotsilentbob
Average Overall Score Given: 7.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Finding Nemo

going to be interweaving film and
game sequences mimicking scenes from
the game? I had to quit playing so I
wouldn't see too many spoilers. Not that
this is a bad thing - I went back to the
beginning and not only stopped to
admire the wonderfully rendered
undersea environment, but also earned
the various bonuses one can aquire by
completing certain tasks. Complete all
that level's bonuses and you can see
conceptual artwork as an "extra." Not a
bad play dynamic.
Gameplay: You move each of the games 3 possible
characters with the left joystick, and have
control of 2 buttons, A and X. Push A,
and you'll pick up a pebble, push X, and
you'll get a burst of speed, or dart into
something. Simple, right? Well, yes, most
of the time - until the camera angle
changes and you're character is now
swimming towards you, and not away...
Puzzles are quite simple, although one
section had me baffled until I had a
realization about a particular feaure of
the landscape... I don't know how
obvious that would have been to
younger players. And a "tile" based
bonus mini-game had me pulling my hair
out for quite some time... All part of the
fun, I suppose.
The 3d aspect of the game can be a bit
frustrating. More often than not I'd *
swear* I swam through that !&%$@#*
ring o'
bubbles, only to see it still remain. Also,
some hazards can appear as if you'll
miss them, but nope... tagged... "hafta
start over."
Graphics: The graphics are excellent for this game.
The undersea environment is rendered
beautifully, and the character animations
are spot on. I did notice one slight
clipping error. Overall, I was quite
Audio: I believe the voice actors from the film
were used for the game. If not, they are
spot on identical, and the acting great.
The music lush, if not a bit repetive...
Suggestions: Since this game will obviously appeal to
smaller children, a much easier
"youngster" mode needs to be
implemented... this could include, but not
be limited too reduction or elimination of
some/most hazards, more tolerance for
not being "exactly" where one needs to
be to accomplish a task - i.e. swimming
through a bubble ring, etc. As it stands
this game would frustrate, rather than
entertain a younger, or less skilled
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10