MEMBER PROFILE FOR chuck420sublime
Average Overall Score Given: 7.20000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell

Gameplay: The movement in this game is where it's at. Moving in this game is as fluid as gravy. I didn't have a single problem at all moving the character about the screen. There are some problems with climbing, but overall the gameplay rocks.
Graphics: Awesome. In some situations it almost looks like tv. Unbelievable graphics. Thermo vision is great!!
Audio: The voice acting is awesome. The guns sound awesome. There isn't much music, but there really isn't a need for music. Sound plays a very important part in the game, especially when you try to walk up on a moving gaurd with out him noticing.
Suggestions: Keep the levels coming. I will download and play happily any level that becomes available. Being able to pick up enemies weapons would be a plus. More weapons would be awesome. I hate sitting through the same cutscene fourty times, there should be some way to fast foward.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay isn't too aweful. There are ALOT of things that could have been tweaked. The combo system is straight up horrible. They could learn alot from Dead or Alive.
Graphics: The graphics are probably the best part of the game. There's alot of blood, and all the character models look great.
Audio: No complaints in the sound department. They definetly could have done worse on the sound, but I can't say that I have anything to complain about with the sound.
Suggestions: Don't make another Mortal Kombat game. The series is dead. Leave the fighting genre up to the people that know what the hell there doing. Deadly Alliance doesn't come close to measuring up to Dead or Alive 3, and the way I look at it, is if you aren't going to make the best game possible, why make the game? Deadly Alliance is mediocre at best.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: The first and biggest mistake of the game is the fact that you only use one thumbstick. Moving is awkward as hell. There is a strafe, but it's about as useless as tits on a bull. I think the gaming community has mastered two thumbsticks, so whoever made The Matrix needs to be shot. However the hand to hand combat in the game is unparalelled in any other action game.
Graphics: The graphics on this game were decent. Not good, not great, just decent. The floors are shiny, and theres alot of damage to the walls and stuff, but this game isn't winning any awards this year.
Audio: The sound of this game might be the best part. It sounds just like the movie. Every punch sounds like it could break a brick wall. The guns are decent sounding. The sound makes the fighting feel alot better.
Suggestions: Two thumbsticks!!! What in your stupid head would make you think that one thumbstick is good? You suck at making games.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: Good solid gameplay. The developers took there time with this one. Enemy placement is awesome. AI is awesome. It is almost impossible to kill an enemy with a grenade. They almost always see you before you see them. It really makes you creep around corners.
Graphics: Graphics are pretty good. I didn't see very many flaws. I would've appreciated alot more destructable stuff though. You can break signs, flags, and every single chair in the game, but I was hoping to blow up entire walls and stuff.
Audio: All the guns sound awesome. Also the character's screams are awesome. When a nazi gets torn apart by a zombie, you bet your !&%$@#* it sounds awesome.
Suggestions: More guns, more weapons. More levels. This game rocks, I just want MORE of it. SOLID
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: You control a squad of three, or six people. You go into different areas and kill people. It rocks. The missions are fun, but multiplayer is where this game takes the gold.
Graphics: The games graphics are the worst aspect of this game. However they aren't entirely bad. They're better than half of PS2's graphics, but they definetly aren't up to XBOX's standards.
Audio: Sound is awesome. Every gun has a distict sound. The m-60 is my favorite. If you have a good stereo system crank it up and enjoy the cracks, pops and explosions in your face.
Suggestions: There are alot of things that could be better. Mainly the graphics. But the AI, could definetly use some improvements. The enemies will sometimes stand up, lay down, stand up, then lay down again. They look ridiculous. Also sometimes your partners will get shot and not do anything about it. I lose half my team do to stupid AI.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10