Average Overall Score Given: 9.50000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Enter the Matrix

Gameplay: The gameplay is basically simple. You can pull off great moves by the push of only a few buttons. While this may apply as good to many, it gets old. I still remember the times I wanted to do a specific move, and ended up doing something completely different. This was as first very cool, but then got annoying at times. The most annoying part is the aiming. You dont aim, just fire. I still wish this was different. I miss the ability to aim where you want. This method of aiming also makes the game very easy. Overall though, it is very enjoyable with few flaws.
Graphics: First things first, the animations are great! With the actors actually performing the animations themselves, it has a very realistic effect. Though they could have done better with the X-Box special effects, it still looks pretty good. This is explainable, since it is an all console game. Maybe the game creators can use these special things next time.
Audio: The sound is amazing. I have noticed one flaw. That is in the driving levels. I'm not sure if it is my disc or what, but the SMG on Ghosts' driving parts makes no sound when aiming towards the front. The music is great. I felt like i was in the movie with music straight from it. The voice-overs all also great, another part done by the actors. Great sound.
Suggestions: Change the aiming system and use specaial X-Box features.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: This is a first person shooter (obviously). You are a super commando and go around saving marines and human kind from shear destruction. You can use multiple vehicles and weapons. This game also adds a great twist to the story.
Graphics: This is littary one of the greatest looking games on X-Box (if not the BEST). The developers used the x-box features up like they were candy (which they are). Huge levels is the first half. The second half...great texture detail. Use a scope and zoom in on the weapons, you can see every dent and scratch.
Audio: Probally the greatest video game score ever created. The music and sound effects sound like they came straight out of a movie.
Suggestions: Next time, add more levels and weapons. That would make a VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY GREAT game PERFECT!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: This part got a tiny bit boring. Most of the sidequests near the beggining of the game deal with finding items and bringing them back. The action could be better, but it isn't as boring as Morrowind's fighting can get.
Graphics: The visuals were a high part of this game. They were great (of course they were, it's X-Box after all) with only a few flaws here and there.
Audio: This is about the same as the visuals. Good voice acting compared to many other games, and the sounds don't get annoying after only a few minutes, that's always a plus.
Suggestions: Make the next one with even better graphics and more action. Also, make the fighting system better.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: Wow! I thought this would be like those other RPGs, not the greatest fighting, but I was wrong! It has amazing action in the fighting, tons of side quests, the ability to go to the dark or light side by almost every action you do and every thing you say. Did you say you want exploring, you get to do that too!
Graphics: The visuals are pretty good. Grass swaying when you walk by it, ships causing it to sway. There are even great shadow effects and lighting effects. I love watching sparks fly off the sword as you fight, lightsabers crashing. It feels and looks like a movie. The only problem is a few glithces in it. Just a little framerate problems at times. But these problems do not make it look like a PS1 GAME! WHOEVER SAID THAT DOESN'T DESERVE TO PLAY THIS GAME!
Audio: There is a great soundtrack in this game. With music straight from the movies, and sounds from the movie (the lightsabers are my favorite). And the voices are never really annoying (at least not to me).
Suggestions: Work on those graphic glithes and make sure to give us those downloadable contents soon.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10