Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 73
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon

Gameplay: Giving orders to your team is great. It's easy and officiant. Theres different gun accuracy's for every gun. And recoil varies from an extremely large range of guns. You have lots of items to use on different missions making you eligible to successfully complete them. There is no gun on your screen, but I don't think it matters that much, because it makes the FPS higher and the overall graphics better. The sidestepping sucks. It's just really stupid. It slows down the gameplay. But it makes the game need a lot more strategical moves. So it's probably for the best, concerning this is a strategical first person shooter. Another downside is that you can't walk on some places, and can't jump or fall down from others.
Graphics: The graphics are great in this game. the people look real, the trees look real, this game has amazing background graphics. It has very high FPS because you don't have a gun on your screen. Just when you shoot bullets and miss people, the holes in the wall are quite bad. Everything els is amazing! The fires in this game are just plain great. I don't like to go near them because i feel like I will get burned their so good!
Audio: GREEAAT sound! The background sounds are amazing!! the sounds that people make when you burst fire into their throat, the sounds that the teams make when you give a new order "recon" "pinned down" etc. They make the experience in this game a wonder!! When you walk through a stream or river you look down cause it sounds like actual flowing water! And every gun has it's own special gunfire sound that makes every gun unique, concerning the fact that you can't see the guns.
Suggestions: Fix some on the stuff that i said was bad in this review, like the jumping and not being able to walk on some places, or fall down some places. And you have to fix the gun holes on trees, ground, floors, building, etc.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: This game has the best controls for a football game ever! with the spinning, ramming, stiff arming etc. You could pull off killer runs against your opponent. Which look sweet when you see the replay or just watch it from your decided view, and theres a hella lotta views!!!
Graphics: I love these graphics!! the field and players look next to real! The players clothes get dirtier and dirtier as you progress in the football game. Depending on the weather, you could have 3 inches on mud on the back of your players helmets if it raining! And if the home team is really doing bad, than people stary leaving the stadium! It gives you even more reasons to laugh at your opponents on xbox live!!!
Audio: The sound is done quite well. You hear the players grunting and the sound of the players helmets bashing together. But they could work on the crowd sound like the yelling, chants, etc. and the announcer comments. After you play it for a while you start to remember the comments and are able to recite them as the announcer says them.
Suggestions: Just work on the background graphics and the announcer/crowd sounds... and the cheerleader models :D
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay in this game has the best first person shooter controls I've ever put my hands on. Halo started a new era of console first person shooters. the left joystick to move foreword and the right to aim. Virtually every first person shooter from halo on defaults controls were extremely similar to halo's controls. Just adjusted slightly for the game they're for. Playing Halo on XBconnect or just against your friends at you home, halo is also one of the best multiplayer games that has ever come to disk. Everyone gets into the game, people become loud, strategy and alliances form and rivalies strengthen. It's always a race to see who can kill the reigning champion the most or somehow sneak into the blue teams base an creep capturing their flag all the time.
Graphics: The visuals in this game are very good. Even being a launch title you can easily say these graphics rock! The only bad thing, if you could say it's a bad thing, level designs are repeated over and over again. Theres always more than 1 room, it sometimes gets confusing. but the graphics still are really good and really good for one of the oldest games for the xbox.
Audio: I really thought the sounds kicked !&%$@#* in this game. Not just the cowardly sounds some of the little aliens make, but the background music and how it fits perfectly with all the battles and surroundings. The sounds in game of everyone talking sounded perfect! It always adds the extra effects when someone on your team starts crying in pain &quo
Suggestions: the only suggestion I could make is make a halo 2. Add more guns, vehicles, player models, aliens, and make the game longer!!! like long enough that it'll take at least a month if you play it 4 hours a day 7 days a week to be able to beat it in 1 month!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10