Average Overall Score Given: 8.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
The Thing

Gameplay: It kool I like the control over the other teammates of mine and i like the fact that you can interact with things.
Graphics: Graphics are kool and i love the gore and the other things in the games make it great i really was impressed with this game.
Audio: I was just great man i love this games so much.
Suggestions: Dude make me another games please because this was the best yet.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The Gameplay was ok but i didn't like how the moves were done by the right analog button if it were just pressing A,B,X,Y to do things then maybe.
Graphics: The Graphics were ok but when i was playing the game it felt like i was far away when i was playing like i was not in the game.
Audio: The sound was good i liked the screams when you killed people and the sound of the gun and when you pull your sword out.
Suggestions: Yes Please get the graphics in gear i need to feel like im in the game. and lose the analog thing.
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10