Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Soldier of Fortune 2: Double Helix

Gameplay: The gameplay is somewhere between Unreal Championship and Ghost Recon.While its smart to use strategy its not really necessary.In the single player mode, I found it good to lean around corners to covertly take out foes and the same applies for my online play.Online the game is simply amazing and has to be one of the best online FPS which deserves to be ranked up with RTCW.The controls are some of the best I have seen in an Xbox FPS since Halo.When playing Live you can choose from 6 different game modes and 20 online maps(with 5 more coming via DLC)The indoor maps are incredibly detailed compared to their outdoor counterparts.The Random Mission Generator works good but could be better.
Graphics: The Viusuals aren't too shabby in SOF2.While it runs off the same engine as RTCW, the QuakeIII engine, SOF2 has some very neat effects.Things like the lovely swaying bushes and trees in the Colombia levels(note this does occur on Live as well!) as well as the sparks that appear when you shoot metal objects.I also noticed the dirt that flies up when you shoot the ground.The weapon models that are in view are EXCELLENT.They are quite smooth looking and the way they react to different lighting conditions is very cool!The weapons appear to have more polygons than we have seen in other FPS.And how could I end the Visual Description without mentioning the gore.Yup SOF2 is ultra gory and not for the kiddies or the weak of heart.You can shoot off arms, legs, hands, feet, shoulders, heads, and more.You can expose intestines and brains.On Live the gore is downgraded for obvious bandwidth reasons.The character models that you can shoot the apart are also excellent.They look quite natural and the rag doll physics are good, despite some annoying clipping through walls.Overall the graphics are good but not as impresive as Halo or Splinter Cell, but they are certainly up to par with other FPS like Wolfenstein.
Audio: The sound in this game is very good.Included are realistic weapon noises as well as great noises like blood gushing and body parts blowing apart.When shooting different objects like metal and wood, they, as they should, make different noises.I especially like the realistic noises that you make when you do shoot metal.In the single player you may get tired of the repetitive death noises.Online the foot step noises can get annoying as well but overall, SOF2s sounds are excellent
Suggestions: Instead of directly porting SOF2, they should of added graphical improvements like more bump mapping and polygons.They could of added more Xbox exclusive features right out of the box but thats no biggie.Also more players on Live would be nice but I feel 12 is a good number.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10