Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0

Gameplay: Gameplay... well the controlls are very very confusing at first, but then you pretty much start to get the hang of it. My only issue is i dont know how to hold the controller, since moving Rayne involves the other joystick, not the one im used to for all my other 3rd person action games. But other than that, its great. She moves great, its feels great, its not slow like other x-box games (*cough cough X-men Next Dimension *cough cough*)
Graphics: Visuals are awesome. Everything is greatly animated and graphics are good. The blood is very fake looking, and they could have done a better job on the faces of most of the "victoms" or "villans" But otherswise i am impressed.
Audio: The sound sucks. Sorry but it does. I can barley hear what the charectors are saying, so then i have to turn up the tv, but then the music and SFX are too loud. But the music is great, but the sound FX are very fake sounding.
Suggestions: Make another one, it would be kewl. Like i said up there, try to put more detail in the faces (except Raynes, hers is perfect) and maybe add more chest on the women of the game. (like.. cough cough, DOA Vollyball cough cough)
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Everything about this game is great, Except maybe that the controls are alittle difficult at first. But once you get the hang of it, its like second nature to you. But really, overall the gameplay is awesome.
Graphics: Nothing to say here but AMAZING! The graphics are amazingly made and keep you staring at the TV for a long time, trying to figure out what is real and what isen't. The clips between levels are so graphic, your not sure if your watching the movie or playing the game.
Audio: The sound was ok, could have been better. Not much to say there. I always like when they actors do their voices in the game, that adds alot to the game.
Suggestions: well i dont really have any suggestions. But if its possible, and you are making a sequal, try to make it better (if that is possible) it was a amazing game for me and i enjoyed every last minute. So not much to say here either.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Um, ok well at first the controls are difficult, but after maybe 2-5 mins you really get the hang of it, and its just like second nature to you. The Third person is a nice touch. Over all i thought the game play was good
Graphics: The visuals, first time i played this game there were times where i wasen't sure what was real and what wasen't. But after you play it enough it starts to look too animated. They could have done better with the mouth movements when they talk. But otherwise its great. Everything is graphic and very detailed. For example, when your playing the game, take out the crossbow near a charector and go into sniper mode so you can see their faces up close, there, thats detail!
Audio: The sound was great. I love how all the voices are their true voices, expect of course Buffy. That pissed me off, does SMG not have enough time?!?! Anyways, the screams of the vampires when they are being dusted and the creepy background music makes it great.
Suggestions: Yes, ok when the innocent people who you are saving from vampire ect walk away after you have finished saving them, They walk REALLY slow, and its stupid. And the actors need more, feeling in their voices, and the storyline was stupid and actually quite boring. The gameplay was great, the story was boring.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10