Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Serious Sam

It is a mindless shooter, yet unlike some bad mindless shooters it is MEANT to be one. Some reviewers just don't understand this.
Overall, an excellent stress reliever and an extremely addictive game. I have never met a person (who has actually played this game before reviewing it *cough cough*) who has not enjoyed this game throughly.
One last thing to watch out about: If your game is choppy, experiences errors or anything of the like, you probably have a faulty disc. The developer accidentally burnt some of the copies on bad discs (not the game makers fault, DONT BASH THE GREAT CROTEAM!) and please call their technical support line at (410) 933-9191 and the helpful people there will tell you how to replace your disc with a good copy.
Gameplay: This game is pure fun, pure action, pure adrenaline. I absolutely love it! There is no other game out there that has hundreds of enemies running at you, (and you armed to the teeth with a gernade launcher, pistols, rocket launcher, chainsaw, and even a gigantic bomb!) which allows you to duke it out like this. It is like they took Doom, distilled the action, concentrated it onto one disc, added a few dashes of humor, and put it in one little green box for you to enjoy. People who don't like this game simply don't understand it, and what it is about. This ISN'T a Halo, or a Splinter Cell. Those are thinking man's games, full of drama and a thicking plot. This is Serious Sam. This game purposefully drops you into a level with thousands of enemies blocking your way to the finish, arms you to the teeth, and lets you blow stuff up.
The game runs smoothly, and the gameplay is flawless. Finally, not seen since the days of Duke Nukem, we see actual BOSSES! A real boss should be at least 10 times as big and as powerful as you. Heh Serious Sam's boss fights are truly memorable!
5 out of 5 for certain, the excellent multiplayer action clinches the score.
Graphics: People who think this game looks bad are insane! I don't know what you are talking about.
Many people who review this game before reaching the second part of it, never get to see Serious Sam 2. This game is two games in one: One unlocked after you beat the other. Serious Sam two was released a year and a half after Serious Sam one, so the second portion of the game has much better looking landscapes, that stretch for nearly a mile before fogging up.
Both games, when released for the PC (mind you, serious sam 2 was released only a year ago!) were heralded for their excellent graphics. No game made since can hold so many monsters and explosions on their screen, not Splinter Cell, not Halo, not any other shooter on any console. Serious Sam has been improved even more for its release on the Xbox, and plays like the PC versions with all the graphics settings turned up. Since this game is not a game made for eye-candy, and made more for gameplay, I give it 5/5 for accomplishing to create good graphics when bad graphics could have still made this game spectacular.
Audio: Do any of you nay-sayers of this game have surround sound?
There is nothing more electrifying than while running backwards away from three rocketlauching biomechs to hear behind you the haunting cry of "Ahhhhhhhh!" as the kamakazi bombers run towards you. It's enough to make your heart leap into your chest with excitement.
The sound effects are amazing, the music.. well I can never hear it over the explosions, cries of the various monsters, and the funny one-liners Sam spits out every once in a while (but never repeats, so it doesn't get annoying).
4.5/5 for great sound effects, I've only seen a few games which manage this better.
Suggestions: You should've made the game Live, playable online... then I would never buy another game again!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10