Average Overall Score Given: 8.33333 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Max Payne

Gameplay: The gameplay is good. The enemies react wonderfully. The way Max and the other people walk and move in any way is almost perfect. The way he ducks and rolls is matched perfectly. The enimes on different difficulty make it harder and harder on what difficulty you chose.
Graphics: The graphics are good. Not as good as halo. The fire, snow, rain, and water are the best i have ever seen. The bodies are almost perfect. The faces could have been better. but noting to brag about. The comic strip pictures look real. Overall the graphics are pretty good.
Audio: The sound. Where should I start. If you have Dolby Digital 5.1 sound, then there is no problem. But if you only have TV speakers then it is still good to listen to. The gun shots sound real. The voices are done incredibly. The best on the xbox.
Suggestions: Add a multiplayer please. Make the mouths move. Add some more guns. Get rid of the fire level, it is so !&%$@#* hard. Other than that keep up the good work. Real good work.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: it is just so hard to control your car or whatever your drivin. the people getting ran over is tight but it could be better.
Graphics: awsome. tight. cool. the best. nothing could be better. perfect use of the xbox system. i dought it could get any better
Audio: crappy. is stunk. all u could hear was the noise of you running in to s***. everything else was good but this could be better.
Suggestions: keep on doin what u do
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: The controls are so easy to use. Old or new racer. The only way you can screw up is if you drive the wrong way or you just wreck the person on purpose. I think that it is so real. It is like real racing. When there is a opening the racer will take it. They can get alittle crazy out there but you just have to get use to it.
Graphics: Like I said earlyer, the graphics and damage are wonderful. Even if you dont like nascar and just like games with good graphics you should get this. The pit crew is better than on games like 98 were there was no pit crew.
Audio: The sound was not that great, besides how do you expect them to make it perfect. Every game has at least one wrong thing. And this games wrong thing is its sound. Hey it is ok but i would not brag about it.
Suggestions: Good job on putting everone on the track not like heat were there was only 24 cars period. And Make the sound alittle bit better. What would be even better is show like on the real races people talking to the driver having a interview or something like that. That would take some big ba**s. You already have the pit graphics at the best. So you have not prob. there.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10