Average Overall Score Given: 8.14286 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 483
Gauntlet Dark Legacy

Gameplay: The gameplay is smooth and fun. A great party title but more or less a souped up version of the N64's Gauntlet.
Graphics: Hideous. 64-bit graphics at best, and they tend to get glitchy and blocky after played for a few hours. Terrible, terrible.
Audio: Sound is O.K. but lost in the mindless slashing. Music? What Music? I don't hear music? Alls I hear is,"YOU HAVE FOUND A RUNESTONE!" or "CONGRATULATIONS! YOU NOW HAVE ENOUGH CRYSTALS TO ENTER THE REALM OF THIS GAME HAS NO MUSIC!"
Suggestions: Make visual, and audio improvements. More items. Maybe add spells? Sorry but magic potions isn't cuttin it. Also try 20 classes at the start with 20 more unlockables... Would make it awesome...
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is wonderful. Combat may be boring but if you role-play and use some strategy it can be spiced up. Spell effects are pretty and nice, but not much variety. Lots of unique ways to change your character though, through becoming a vampire, or becoming a well-respected hero. Pure open endedness is awesome and the game can really absorb you.
Graphics: The environment and scenery is beautiful, characters are bland but animation is good. Many unique models. Spell effects could use some more work.
Audio: Absolutely wonderful! The music perfectly suits the game, combat sounds nice, hearing the rain or thunder also makes the game that much better.
Suggestions: Graphics could be better, more unique combat animation, and different spell effects would do wonders. Also, why does PC get an Editor and we don't? I realize it would be hard to encorporate one, but come on!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Well-rounded, stealth action. Metal gear beats it though. Still worth a shot. Controls are well laid out and everything else seems to be good except the stress of trying to beat a level.
Graphics: Absolutely marvelous, shows what the xbox is capable of. I have not seen better graphics on the xbox, ever.
Audio: Suits its stealth-like nature, hearing chains rattle against walls, or a guard patrolling around a building. Well done.
Suggestions: Make it less frustrating, also more variety in weapons might help.
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10

Gameplay: Very nice, battles on the sea can be a bit drawn out but are very fun and intense.. Land battles are very action oriented and can be quite difficult to master...
Graphics: VERY nice. The water, boats, sunset, and storms are BEAUTIFUL. Better than any game on the xbox so far, PERIOD. Land graphics could be better, but are still quite good.
Audio: Very good music, voice acting is decent (when there is voice acting) Water effects, etc are awesome. Very good sounds in this game.
Suggestions: More fluid land combat. Perhaps custimization of race, etc like in morrowind. (Class no though) Mmm.. More skills and abilities...
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Simply awesome. Limitless combos, tons of depth and strategy. Plenty of counters and such make this the perfect game for the casual gamer or the hardcore addict. Button mashing can be effective, but against a skilled player, you won't stand a chance. Though, button mashing is useful for finding out moves.
Graphics: Soul Calibur 1, except crisper, clearer, and all around better. Nothing that will make your draw drop, but nothing that's so hideous it will make you turn off your console either. The graphics are good, but it's nothing we haven't seen.
Audio: The sound in this game blends perfectly. The character voices are nice and smooth, no annoying voices or anything. And the background music is nice. (That is, if you're not too enthralled beating your best friend to a pulp.)
Suggestions: More weapons. More characters. Style switch (hand-to-hand and weapons.) More on the graphics. (Example: Water splash from a ring out...) If spawn makes another appearance, PLEASE let him have his cape... It looks awesome... Also: Make Necrid more fair... He's just plain cheap.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Awesome, very awesome. The combat is real time but auto-pauses when you need to asign orders, making it easy to manage. Targeting is simple along with the interface. Controls are very easy to learn and everything else is spectacular. Excellent gameplay. Though is semi-linear.
Graphics: Very nice graphics, a few problems with the character skins but that is it. I have not seen the frame rate problem everyone is talking about yet and the cut scenes in this game are sheerly beautiful. Not to mention lightsabre affects among others. Very good. The only thing that brought down the score of this game. Everything else is perfect.
Audio: Wow. Lightsabre clashing to blasters to your footsteps. Everything is there. Along with the star wars music, but you will hardly notice that since your undivided attention will be spent wondering how someone could make a game so close to perfect.
Suggestions: Wow... How do you expand upon perfect? My best advice would to be to stick to your promise of extra content and in future version expand the graphics engine and such. Otherwise, it's awesome. Two-thumbs up. Xbox Live multiplayer would make this game the greatest game ever created...
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is nice, lots to do with much depth. Countless things you can do with your dinosaurs, including slaughtering them via your ranger helicopter (you can research a sniper rifle to exterminate dinosaurs) or via the Sentry gun turret. There is also alot your dinosaurs will do, if they don't get what they need they may go on a rampage and break through their fencing and attack your visitors. Some may catch diseases which must be cured or your visitors may leave, who wants to see a sick dinosaur? Their is much appeal and the gameplay is smooth, no lag or anything so far. Alot of people don't want to play because of the lack of a mouse and keyboard, but the buttons are well laid out in this game so I assure you that you won't miss the keyboard/mouse combo.
Graphics: The dinosaurs look great and the building graphics are pretty good, along with the trees and such. The water graphics are the best I have seen in any game to date. The visitor graphics could be better and are a little blocky but really only noticable when you zoom in real close, which is almost never. The graphics are pretty good, they surely aren't bad, but they aren't exactly awesome...
Audio: The sound blends well in this game with good voice acting. The music is hardly noticable though, but moreso because you get absorbed into the game. Overall great sound.
Suggestions: A bit more detail in the visitors would help. More dinosaurs and less building restrictions would be great. Also take off the dino limit. Also more unique buildings would help.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10