MEMBER PROFILE FOR justinmorris4
Average Overall Score Given: 8.16667 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Rallisport Challenge

Gameplay: i liked the game was setup from the start menue all the way to the tracks. the thing that made this game stand out from other racing games is the environments that u can race in and each one had its own unique style that made me want to come back and play again. they didnt have a huge variety of cars like i wanted but it was no where nere small either. over all the gaplay was pretty good but nuthin to be game of the year about
Graphics: the visuals was great but like i said earlier its racing and all racing games on the x box have great graphics. the places were very believable, like i was right there in the action. i loved it. the only thing that that was great on these graphics were the snow it was not realistic at all. everything and everywhere else was great. these graphics were better than segga gt 2002 in my opinion and that is a huge compliment...
overall these graphics are great and i havent seen another racing game that is a whole lot better
Audio: these tracks are not good at all but they dont suck like other racing games. some are good but i cant remember to many and lets face it when you dont remember the tracks on a game that usually mean they were good enough to stay inside of your head
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: the controls are not that dificult i like the way they used the D-pad for the weapons. it is a great game but not every1 will like it. rent it before buying it
Graphics: the graphics are O.K.... but what more could u expect seeing as how it is a first and very original game. the graphics are horrible but they just are not realistic enough. seeing as how this is a ONLY FOR X BOX game i expected a lot more as far as the graohics are concerned. Another thing i dont like is when Buffy runs her !&%$@#* has this ugly little weird shadow under it
Audio: the sound is pretty. the tracks make it a fitting for what they are trying to do. i do hate the fact that Buffy says the same things over and over again but its always fitting for when she says it
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: the controls were a lil diificult at first but (being sarcarstic) did u know that u can change the controls to 2D instead of 3D. once i figured that out everything was all well. this game could be in the runnings for game of the year (2001)
i think it was but hey that is also the same time HALOcame out...
Graphics: the graphics are not this games strong points at first i thought that it really couldnt get any better seeing as how it came out in 2001 but so did HALO and look at its graphics. the graphics are not that bad though especialy in the cut scenes, they looked smooth and perfect. They just didnt take advantage of modern technology (the Xbox)
Audio: the sound is very unique maybe its me but i have never heard a game sound as good as this one. the music for this game captures the times and moments in which u are playing. this is a classic, to bad no1 understands that FACT.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: the game was ok it had a nice opening and when u win the championship u really dont get anything like in other games
Graphics: the graphics were great i really like them u can see a lot of stuff that u usually cant see in other games
Audio: the sound sounded like a dead dog it was not good at all i hate the sound of ice and that not a bad thing cause u couldnt hear it anyway
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

Gameplay: this game had a lot of appeal from the start but all tom clancy games do. it had great commercails and liked every 1
Graphics: the graphics were great the fire looked very good but the skits that they had to show didnt look as real as the actuall gameplay which i have never seen before.
Audio: the sound is great u can hear everything especially when the guards are talkin and it sounds great in the car.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: the game had a lot of advertisment and it is still one of the top selling games on the market so right away it had an appeal to the public and it deserved it
Graphics: the gameplay is wonderfull i loved the graphics they are some that i have ever seen in my life. the only game that could come close is dead or alive 3. this game will keep u busy for a while and it is great every minute
Audio: the sound isnt the best in the world i didnt really like it to much. it wasnt mind blowing but it wasnt less that average. i liked it though
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10