Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 2

Gameplay: I dont like the way the shooting is, I agree, and it is usuallyunfair during fights. But if you're good at shoot-em-ups, then you will most likely accumilate your enemy's weapons and use those to kill off the next bunch --- dont be an !&%$@#* and die all the time.
Graphics: Has to be no. 2 or 3 in graphcis so far. And when it first came out--no. 1!
The faces and hands look real, perfect blurring and animated focus. The vehicles were gracefully carved and sculpted to a tee.
Best graphics for a car game, best graphics for humans and clothing -- but the water sucks. Oh yah, the raods and everything are the best also. fucking brilliant.
Audio: Cinematics have great sound. OTher than that, not really too too bad, but not a 5 rating, thats for sure.
Suggestions: Better story line. It was good but not great, ya know?
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: You have the option of chosing 5 different fighting options 3 times in this game. The options range between Wrestling, Kickboxing, streetfighting, martial arts and something else. As your player gains recognition and fighting skills, he is able to use his big moves quicker and more powerfully. It is awesome!
Graphics: The UI is very effective to streets of New York. The fighters and cinematics look nearly identical which allows for a very realistic impression and less division in vidual effects.
Audio: Def Jam, a recording industry, makes themselves proud by going all out in the audio and sound of this sequal. There has to be no game with greater voice overs and music and sound effects.
Suggestions: XBOX LIVE! and more Gameplay after you beat everything... random fight generator (with points enabled?)
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10