Average Overall Score Given: 6.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell

Gameplay: I was not gonna review this game until I see total morons like Mabus who just don't have a clue. This game is awesome! If just for the game alone, I would buy an X-Box. A worthwhile purchase.
Graphics: Raises the bar on visual graphics. Sure it's not as nicely rendered as DOA3, but it's an awesome game w/ totally awesome lighting and graphic effects.
Audio: Give me Dolby Digital Surround Sound anytime, baby! This game has got it all. You get it kickin' in Dolby and you get totally immerrsed in the game! Don't listen to stupid retards like Mabus who can't distingush the sound of a freight train and a ferrari :)
Suggestions: Wonderful job! Online multiplay would have been the icing on the cake.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay was great! Takes ideas from many games to incorporate into one solid fighter. At least rent this one and give it a try.
Graphics: Graphics are nice, but like Adam-XBA said, the backgrounds could have been done a little nicer. On visuals, code_warrior doesn't have a clue. There is no 80's or 90's console that could even come close to displaying these kind of graphics and maintain 60 fps at the same time. But then again, maybe code_warrior has got one of them there,totally hype Atari 2600's ;)
Audio: Sound is good, but like Adam (again) stated, some sounds become repetitive. Such as the stuff said when the characters come into the fight. Would have been nicer to have random saying spoken. Also, custom soundtrack would have been a + as well. As for code_warrior's midi comment, maybe it's ur sound system dude :) Cause on my Dolby Digital 6.1 (yeh, I'm talking complete surround sound) kickin' with over 600 watts of pure power, it sounds pretty good.
Suggestions: Custom soundtrack. Tag team play. Touch up the backgrounds a bit. Add some random sayings when characters come into the fight.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Just could not get into the game. All the cursing and swearing distracted me from what was even going on in the game. Mabye if there was a way to turn off the stuff, it might have been better.
Graphics: Graphics were nice. Not anything spectaculer or not but just ok. Ho hum I guess you would call it. Nothing that just stands up and grabs your attention.
Audio: Like I said earlier, the cursing killed this game for me, so since it involves the sound, the sound rating goes down as well.
Suggestions: Try making a version that allows all the needless swearing to be turned off and you might have a decent game.
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game was just dumb. Give me Unreal, Half Life, hell... even give me Quake 1 before this crap again :p
Graphics: Graphics were ok, I guess. Looked just like the PC version. People with bombs for heads don't require much polys I suppose :0
Audio: Sound was ok as well. But just like the PC version, what more can you expect from a game that all you hear is "aaaaahhhh", "bang", "aaaaaahhhhh", well you get the idea.
Suggestions: Don't bother with a sequel.
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10